(no subject)

Jan 14, 2004 09:53

Okay, I know it's no secret that exercise makes you feel better and all of that shit, but I took a good long walk this morning and I feel great today! I feel energized and happy and I even think my skin is glowing or something. Nice.

Had a nice hang session with one of my best friends last night and after a few bowls and great conversation, I finally feel like I'm back home and resuming my normal life. Work is a little daunting, next weekend the new play opens up and I'm the house manager for the next 3 WEEKENDS in a row. Friday, Saturday & Sunday performances. 9 performances total. I always get a little depressed when I think about working weekends. Reminds me of the old days in retail. I'm being a big baby though. I know lots of people work weekends and I need to stop whining. But I do have a nice 3 day weekend this week...

One of my other closest and dearest friends is getting married in September and I will be in her wedding! I'm excited. I've never been in a wedding party before. I'm so happy for her. I'm the most local friend in the wedding party besides her sister so I even get to help her look for a dress, etc. She's letting us pick our own dresses---can be whatever we want as long as they're black and "not-slutty". It'll be a classy affair for sure, that's just how she and he are. I'm looking forward to the experience because she & I have been a little distant lately. Not purposely, she's just super busy with a career she really loves and she's been in couple-land which is a place I certainly HAVEN'T been to in awhile! Between school, an irregular work schedule and my crazy life in general I've been pretty darn occupied as well. It's also been an adjustment not being roommates anymore after 4 years and living somewhat far apart (not by miles, just LA traffic standards!) Anyway, in a nutshell, we're due for some bonding time. Yay.

I found the 2-disc special edition (aren't they all "Special Editions" now?) of Punch-Drunk Love on DVD for $8.98 yesterday. Cha-ching.

Ramble ramble ramble.
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