Mar 08, 2001 22:04
I've been putting this off for so long, but I have to speak a little on Survivor at the moment.
I am the producer of that show's dream. I'm the kind of person they salivate at the mouth from, the kind of person that keeps them thinking they can put 1,000 more reality shows on television and they'll be a huge success. Goddammit. How could I let myself sink so low?
I'll admit first and foremost that I'm a complete Survivor hypocrite. I talked SERIOUS trash about the 1st show. I had no intentions of ever watching it--EVER. I was irritated by the fascination people had by the new TV phenomenon. I was pissed off 'cause Thursday nights this summer everyone was glued to the couch.
But then things changed.
Super Bowl Sunday I was hanging out at this house, and even though we weren't really watching the game, everyone was taking full advantage of the excuse to party that day. Intoxication reached high levels, and it got to the point that we were all sitting around the TV whether we liked it or not. Too impaired to even change the freaking channel. All of us sorta groaned as Survivor began showing up on the screen. But we all began to quiet down and start watching.
Pretty soon, I'm forming opinions about these people, making jokes about the over-the-top extravagant "challeneges" that were going on, and proclaiming I could never be in that situation based on the bugs-inside-the-seemingly-tasty and good-wild-fruits alone. NO WAY. We started talking about the people and pretty soon, by the time they get to the tribal council, I'm yelling at the TV--"Kick that asshole Jeff off this show RIGHT NOW!!!" I was completely hooked. I had my favorites and I had the people I couldn't stand. I had made some predictions of people I thought could make it through the long haul, and bet on people I thought would be outta there by show #2.
So now there's been 6 people off by the end tonight. I've watched people eat moving live bugs, seen people collapse due to a lack of food and energy, watched them suffer from cold nights in pouring rain, learned how the supposed Survivor stragegy works, and I'm totally into it. But damn, I don't care about the $1 million prize, I'd never even attempt to try and play that game. But you can bet I'll watch every damn episode 'til the end.
Just a few comments about the cast, 'cause I've got nothing else to do right now but go on and on about this show:
Rodger-I love that guy, man. But I know he's not gonna make it. The guy has gotta be pushing 60. But from the very first episode when he busted out that Bible he brought with signatures of encouragement from his kids back at home ("We know you can do it, Dad!" "We love you Dad!" "Go get 'em!", etc.) and he TORE OUT PAGES to hopefully aid in making a fire after many attempts, it pulled at my goddammn heart-strings. Instant sap in one episode. Also, paired with the fact that the dude didn't even learn to swim until a week before he left for Australia and faced the challenege of jumping off a CLIFF into RAPID WATERS just amazed me. I cringed the whole time that he was either gonna drown or have a heart-attack. But he made it! Way to go, Roger! I'm rootin' for you 'til the end, buddy.
Jerri-I've hated that bitch since Day #1. You're not gonna get your acting break from the show--atleast she better not. Ugh. I just don't like her. And after I saw the "special" Survivor Blind Date episode, I've hated her even more. She woulda been outta there if they would've had a tribal council the night Michael got burned. Oh well. I think she's the driving force in watching the show so religiously though. Every week I just wanna see the bitch's face when she gets kicked off the show.
Elisabeth-She's so cute. She's my favorite. So sweet and peppy and nice. But I got a bad feeling that's not gonna keep her around though. These people are absolute vultures.
Colby-He's the man. If I had to pick who deserved the million bucks based on merit alone, I'd pick him. He's too big of a threat though. He's so hardcore Texas. He better be prepared to pack up that flag and go home.
Jeff-THAT BASTARD. I'm so glad he got kicked off. GOOD RIDDANCE.
That's it for now. I have a feeling the more detailed I get, the more of a TV addicted asshole I become.