The Frosties 2.2

Oct 14, 2017 04:59

Last time, Cissolt picked up the torch. Cissolt and Doolish went to college and Doolish brought his girlfriend, Ginger, along. Ginger was the first to drop out and then Doolish but Cissolt made it.

We're back home and Shomel starts off her life as an uncontrollable by going outside in the sun.

Since Cissolt doesn't have a job-related ltw, she gets to have a university career, only because sims don't roll university career ltw.

The first day starts with  much win and and Shomel aquires her ltw.

There is a party going on  and Shomel's sister broke the trash compactor.

Malcom asked Cissolt on a date but she accidentally stood him up so she asked HIM on a date. He agreed but is SUPER-mad.

The fuck,  Malcom!

Go, Cissolt! Give this asshole a taste of his own medicen!

He's so fucking pissed that Cissolt isn't allowed to share gossip with him.
That's it! The planned engagement is off!

Seriously, this university career is so under-developed.

I love the label on the helicopter.

Cissolt isn't get any younger and she needs to go find herself a man.

I had her use one of those lamp  wishes for beuty.
The wishes in the lamps suck though.

Cissolt isn't one to go whine about stuff. Except she clearly is.

Oh no!

Were the Eaxis main writers on a break when this career was made?

Cissolt and Matthew Picasso go ona date. He's too light-skinned for my taste but at least he has brown hair.

This was the worst date ever! Other sims kept stealing Cissolt's food.

Everyone is hot to Cissolt now and Cissolt is nowhot to everyone. Too bad they're quite dull.

Until I remembered Trent Traveller. A blond haired, s3 sim? Should get fun genese for gen 4.

Florence DeLaRosa doesn't apprecite Shomel hooting and hollering in her ear.

Florence doesn't approve of Cissolt grabbing her man's ass in the open.

"Trent, I know we haven't dated for more than 3 days in total, but would you like to get a fish tank with me?"

"That man is really getting married to that cardboard box?"

Cissolt, being a pleasure sim and a fortune secondary, wants to buy all the pointless things. Shomel epproves.

As what? A hairy cardboard box?

Wedding attempt 1: Failiure.

Wedding attempt 2: A success that bores the guests.

Trent Traveller: a knowledge/popularity sim.

Cissolt is a cake shover. Trent can unhinge his jaw.

A  bit busy getting marreid to your not-dad, dear. (I severed all family connections for all the sims).

I was hoping for a shoo-toilet fest. Didn't work out.

Mrs. Pleasure sim demanded a vacation  so she got it.

The newlyweds went to Twikki island.

Ooh, nice. Money for another tour.

This is the palest sim I've ever seen. ANd on Twikki island, no less.

Cissolt & Trent is on a roll!

Trent brags about sleeping with his new wife.

Guess Cissolt/Trent's luck ran out.

Cissolt found that ghost pirate. He was too mean to teach her the sea shanty.

The newlyweds are quite cute.

"I think that waiter thought your hair was a football, dear!"

Got that voodoo doll! Yuss!

That voodoo doll hunt took a lot out of Tren and Cissolt so I sent them home.

This vacation took a lot out of Cissolt. Becasue she and Trent  acr'd a baby.

"Hi kids! Did you have fun on the vacation? Thanks for taking me along!"

Ellen makes an apperance.

See? Pregnant.

Shomel makes a toast  about her impending grandmotherhood.

At least Ellen  zoned in on the non-pregnant sim.

Then move out of the sun, idiot!

The career reward for the entertainment career sucks.

Pop goes the weasel.

"Looking forward to being a grandmother?"

Trent is doing well so far.

Getting closer to the next generation.

"Aaah, the sounds of screaming babies  are incoming. Such joy!"

Cissolt maxed her creativity skill.

Trent is cool, yo!

I  changed his looks a little.

It's bulging faces! Must be family reuinion time.

One of Cissolt's wants was to get a really expensive stereo so I got the most expensive thing in that category.

Dance party!

Baby time. It's a girl with a townified s3-skin named Effrica.

Let the feeding begin!

The Frosties present: Shomel's backyard fire adventures.

Shomel is a smart sim, running out into the sun to scream at a burning tree. Somehow, she survived.

Despite trying to keep them from becoming ultra-rich, the Frosties have different ideas.

I sent Cissolt off to the food hobby lot.

She joined the food contest.

She won!

"What's wrong with Effrica? I already fed her 6 bottles of milk?

One more of her Cissolt's stupid wants fulfilled.

I didn't know uncontrollables could do go get mail?

Ginger came over  and Shomelignores her granddaughter to play with her daughter-in-law.

"God, what is this disgusting oger is handling my child?"

Shomel isn't doing so well as an uncontrollable care-taker.

"Are you sure leaving Effica alone with my mom of Trent is okay?"

Oh, Trent.

The writers were still on a break.

"How do I get food"?

Trent is much more self-sufficiant than Ellen was. And the trash compactor is still broken, oops.

Not only does Trent cook for himself, he cooks for the whole family.

Another day, another vacation.

Something about Twikki island makes Cissolt and Trent want more kids.

I decided to try the voodoo doll out, it's been so long since I had one.

The tour chance cards are still in the pits.

Cissolt has learned the Twikki island greating, I think this picture is super-cute.

Trent became a fatty.

Oh, jeeze.

This was almost hte cover image.

Right before they left, I had them order more food and they had depladed their funds on the vacation.

Trent proves that he and Ellen aren't so dissimilar.

Jesus Christ, the wages in this career!

Effrica grew up and...she's a special girl

Trent loves his special girl though.

To help Effrica with life, I had Cissolt get the baby bottle aspiration reward. No regrets!

The child is honestly houned.

Effrica got a new haircute and...she's really fucking ugly. Where did that non-nose come from?

Trent's a good father.

Trent has refused to go to work lately becasue Effrica would then be alone. Since I'm not sure about anyone's scheduels, I decided to hire a nanny. So far, she's decent.

Bubbleblower>taking care of granddaughter.

Huh, Trent is in the intelligence career. Interesting.

Ellen has a freak-out about her old bed.

Smartmilk ftw!

Trent is being an overall awesome uncontrollable!

I think Effrica is going to grew up just fine.

Another baby on the way!

Is this pregnancy going to be difficult?

No, Matthew. Cissolt is way to pregnant for that.

"Mom, the phone is ringing to make sure my kids will pass theri university semesters."
Yes, this is cheesecake. Don't  judge me!

Trent and Shomel are bonding.

I love the medicen cabinet.

Please don't ruinthe ceiling with your deformed sprog, Trent.

Rocking mama!

Oh, yay. Nothing could be better.

Effrica grows up...into this.

At least she grew up well.

Effrica wins at childhood.

I should've gottena better pictures of those eye plates.

Ellen is a meanie.

"I miss being marreid!"

The voodoo doll failed Cissolt.

Random townie is worried about Cissolt

More babies!

Cissolt has her babies and is witnessed by the maid.
It's a girl and a boy. Blaa, the yellow  child and Gorry, the normal-skinned one.
I  have no idea why Blaa has a yellow skin. And those names, along with Doolish, Effrica  and Cissolt are all Manx names.

ISBI Stats:

Torch-Holders: 2
Perma-Plat Sims: 0
Shrink Visits: 1
Fires: 0
Self-Wettings: 5
Pass-Outs: 2
Food Naps: 8
Fights: 1
Accidental Deaths: 2
Resurrections: 1
Social Worker Visits: 0

legacy, frosties, the sims 2, isbi

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