Beware of animal hoarding, very fast playing, nudists and general fail
Last time, the founder couple died. Kuranes married Isaiah and they had 3 kids, Kali, Pickman and Hel. Isaiah was almost on the top of the buisiness career when he moved in and quickly topped it, enabling the denzies of the Moon to buy and sell things.
Killer the cat also died and tortured Kali by spooking her 50 times per night.
We start off with Oghren being a kick-ass uncle. Remember that I have no control over him :3
We're closing in on using electricity again!
Hel grew up and continues to be cute.
She gets sent straight to working on her body skill, along with her sister.
Pickman turned into a teen.
With an impossible aspiration >.<
Kali's now fit as a fiddle, but still nowhere near 10 points.
That's not going to happen, dear.
Would you rather risk getting a very bad food poisoning?
Kali's mean side is starting to show better.
I got a a
mod that makes sim ghost behave more sensible so they've calmed down a lot, even if there's an occasional scaring.
You're just setting yourself up for an aspiration failure, you know.
Playing favorites, are we?
The love is still strong with these two. Let's just hope that Kali doesn't dare sleep in the same bed as one of them.
Oh yes! This means we can now move objects that are bigger than one square and also jump rope. Having them exercise to the radio is such a pain in the ass.
Pickman's secondary aspiration, knowledge, is taking over his wants. Thankfully!
If it wasn't for the chessboard (which everyone is obsessed with) and talking about hobbies, the elders would've gone crazy by now.
If you'd roll up a doable want every once in a while, maybe you'd not constantly be in the red!
The punching bag is a godsend!
O.O Chin alert!
No comment.
I'm not joking with the un-doable wants, btw.
Can't be doing worse than Kali.
...Guys, I know the swing around interaction is new to you and all, but how about not doing it in the middle of the road. Just a thought.
Hey Basnak! Basnak and his family are from the time I planned to make this hood a bacc-style.
Kali just cannot catch a break!
Oh wow. That's not very apocalypse-y at all XD
Here comes the fall!
The first mental collapse of the apocalypse, everyone.
Anazingly, it's just a regular walkby on whatever-her-name-is's hands, not a booty call.
Quiver in your boots, Joey the Comb!
I feel favoritism going on.
Still not allowed.
Just because her dress is short doesn't mean you should mop between her legs!
Hel grew up.
"I think my sister just pooped herself"
When life sucks, eat chocolate!
Pickman grew up in very appropriate pajamas
Not the most important but sure, why not?
"I get to clean the sink? AWESOME!"
And it only took you cheating to do that (they were trying to stargaze/cuddle).
Hel's conflicted.
You've seen your dad's naked butt a million times, why are you so shocked now?
What a horrible combo.
They are THAT obsessed with chess. I was not kidding.
I made them all learn fire safety, Hel too.
I was hoping to have Ichabob here join the family and lift the service career so I could control the elders so Kuranes would fill up his cleaning skill and top the science career. He has one point to go.
Not the best personality in the world but it's good enough.
NOOOOOOO! There goes my one chance. Unless.....
Trying to get the romance sim some romance. Not really working.
How about another pet (and a career lifter)?
Leroy's an elder. Oh well, he's cute though.
Jesus F. Christ! Keep it in your pants, guys!
Since that dog invited itself in, i planned to have Pickman adopt him. He/she ran off though.
This update's phone stalker was brought to you by Ti-Ning Unfortuatelastname.
Delilah does not like our snowman.
This was the only possible place for the tub to bathe Ichabod in. Poor boy.
Say hi to Sake, another potential pet that ran of too soon.
I know it's technically against the rules and all but really, I should've just let her, since it's one sim-minute to 12.
D: 2 levels! Even if he got that final cleaning point today, he might not make it.
Oh, what's this?
Hello, little one, would you like to join this family?
YES, I WOULD! I miss my cat so much
Topping the security career would also be neat.
Kali wrote a book
You have two showers inside, Isaiah.
People want to read that???
The bathroom is right there!
What a dapper private eye.
Poor Iccy, his job takes a lot out of him.
Stinky's everyone's favorite.
Quit rolling wants for things you can't have, then!
Because you can't ust lift your leg a little more than usual. Geeze.
On the endless plow for spouses and friends, Hel greets Copper.
While Iccy won't be topping the service pet career,, maybe he'll help Kuranes top his cleaning skill after all.
Mopping the lawn, fun for senile senior citizens everywhere.
Try not to fake-smile so wide, you might break your face, Copper.
Mopping the lawn on High difficulty.
Watch out, Joey! There's a new gal in town, and she likes cutting of heads.
Never mind. Kuranes is never going to top the science career,
Hel finally grew up with, only her sister as a witness.
She looks quite a bit like her dad, but not identical though. I'm picking her over Pickman as heir though, I simply like her better.
Me breaking the rules: 1/5 (I got them a double bed with too high energy rating)
My sims' breaking the rules: 4/9
Copper by
pixelcuriousBasnak by me
Ms. Noseface by
deathtokenkitty Kali, Pickmanand Hel have been put up for download