Finally, an update. I've been a bit busy with school and work and other games have gotten in the way too. But here it is, the later part of generation 1 + Uni.
Spouse is Harley
We start of with Jonah binging. Pointlessly, I might add.
Yuss, maxed nature enthusiasm!
That is... some elborate cheating.
Meet Jean
dark_moon689, Jonah's crush.
Jonah is apperantly a very popular young man and has caught the eye of Alice
spookblangsims (who desperately needs a haircut!)
Instead of hanging out with the hot Jonah, Alice opts for a tea with Jean... Makes sense.
boolpropbea and Penny
wooden_badgerare still at it.
Oh dear, Hoagie
laridian is way to old for you, Jonah!
Guess what the double Jays were doing.
Jean think this whole woohoo thing is crazy.
There is a time and place for everything, boys. In front of your fishing fathers is not the time nor the place.
Aren't you a little young for that Mary Jane?
Yes, half of the golden fishing badge challenge achieved!
Do we really want to adopt a tuxedo cat? What kind of a question is that?
Bam! Finished the fishing badge challenge!
No wonder that want is unfulfilled if you act like that, Plum
Trouble in paradise?
"Heeeey, Jonah, you're awesome!"
I can't be the only one who thinks the high reputation animations are weird, somehow.
*Shock and dismay*
See how awkward his posture is? He's pregnant. I want a one-eyed baby!
Morris celebrates his elderhood by opening his right(?) eye slightly.
SURPRISE CHILDBIRTH, BITCHES! (I had decided on that comment before I remembered the preggo cheese serving picture)
Meet Peter Parker, the last child of the generation.
Bathroom birthdays, a fine substitute for bathroom birth.
Good luck with that, dear.
Oh, what the fuck! Guess Jerry wasn't an isolated case like I hoped.
I bought a custom bar for them. I regret nothing.
I managed to fix it but now I have to endure the ugly maxis eyes.
Trying to find a new conquest for Jonah, Keoni
keoni_chan did not approve!
OH, HELL NO! I am not using that wishing well for my teens's lovelife again! (This is Jerry
kezwick, husband of my other legacy heir!)
One-eyed success!
What a horrifying chipmunk you are, Peter Parker.
Morris really wanted to "savage" a sim. Poor Aynsley
quellasims was the victim.
The food keeps moving from the stove to a stove-less coutnertop! ANd I had forgotten to install a fire alarm. No harm was done though.
Harley became a crusty, old man.
Holy shit, a flying bird!
"How dare you mock my vision of flying birds!"
Peter grew up, just as uncerimounusly as his dads. Also, about this time Jonah left for Uni so we won't be seeing him until a bit later.
porkwithbones humours the little boy and buys a some leomonade from him.
novusars is apperntly not the sourest lemon in the basket.
Smustle party! Left to right is some random store clerk, Peachipun
kathsy , Nostradame and Lilly
No matter what I did, the plants kept withering and dying on me and I had no idea why.
I changed to accidentally click on the sprinklers and found out that they were broken! I had NO idea that could even happen.
Fat robots. Really?
I was forced to move the rest of the family because their house gotr corrupted for some reason. Helena
mssng_smthng thinks they need to clean their yard, all that pollen is messing up her fabulous clothes!
I tried to get Morris to buy a cure from the gypsy but it didn't seem to work. Instead I got this fuckery.
Hey! The marble hero buisness belongs to the Gongs!
Speaking of Gongs, a certain someone is playing hard to get.
Moris is almost dying so yes, I'm sure.
A little late, unmentionable Gong.
And at Uni, Jonah is doing what he does best, chatting up the lades (and gentlemen). This one in particular is Beatrice
I invited Jean and Plum too. The dude in the far back playing chess is Emmanuel
Jean, stop being a creep.
The pokerfaces in the back are some random game-generated dude and the girl with the hat beside him is Grosse
I think Peter is cute, that's all.
Yay, game enthusiasm!
Both dudes are game-generated. I have the hardest time getting my games to stop generating dormies, and I have all the anti-generating hacks.
Robots lok stupid when sunburned.
You have to wait your turn, Beatrice.
They are attrackted to him like bees to honey.
Strawberry Fields
xel_squirgle_ox moves in.
Uh, Plum, you're a romance sim, remember?
This ought to rig her memory.
Grosse and Cleo
noodlesims are taking their first steps towards akward kisses.
I love bunkbeds XD
Peter is hopeless in the romance depratment, he has no bolts with ayone! Except his brother's toy.
Gah, so cute!
Something tells me I've got to fix the dorm a little. Jeeze.
Emmanuel and Whatever Grundstorm hate meeting new people! How dare you bring such a thing up near them!
I just don't.... what?
You've gotta break up that disturbingly loud party and soon! The grandparetns on their lawn are losing themselves!
Peter finally found a sim he is intersted in and doesn't have a history with his brother. And Judah
brilliantcat really likes him. Whole 1 bolt likes him.
Getting an eyeful, I see.
Despite having the massive attraction perk, Jonah has surprisingly few 3-bolters. Sandra
lightsandmagic is on of them.
She has the strange ability to puff a pink cloud out of her crotch too.
I'm not joking.
Mary Jane finally finds someone. That someone is Bessy
There will be no sims without love interests in this game soon.
Peter is hardcore and has the same amount of heroism as his newspaper couterpart.
Plum looks really cute with the frozen hue.
Peter less so.
Oh, come on!
Playting wit hte water wiggle in dead of winter. Brilliant idea, Mary Jane.
I had pretty much decided on Peter as a heir and he needed more romance options so he went downtown. Here he is arguing with Rasputin
xel_squirgle_ox, while Zenon watches him and Rose
voleste tries t ignore them.
However, Sgt. Pepper
xel_squirgle_ox kept trying to interact with Peter and turns out they have 2 bolts!
I call this "Dangerous ladies of the night", they are Aysnley after being savaged and Heloise
It took him the longest time to get mad, they were at least halfway through the date when Rasputin got mad.
He also had some bolts with Xerex
whysimswhy (who I confess I've wanted in my legacies for ages) but when you lose interest that quickly, I think it's hopeless.
"If I pretend to be hurt, maybe Sgt. Pepper will be all over me. Hehe, I'm so sneaky!"
Oh, for christsake!
He spied on the most boring things he could possibly find. Trees, more trees, carpools and taxis.
Winter waterbaloon fight wasn't such a good idea, I guess.
And just before leaving Uni, Peter emptiied the mailbox. Which had about 8 loveletters or so -_-
-grow every kind of fruit and vegetable (trees & plants)
-get married and have kids. No premarital woohoo
-have a boy & a girl. Keep trying until you do (plantbabies from plantsims can count)
-earn gold gardening badge
-max enthusiasm in nature
-never have a “regular” job. Earn everything from the land. Digging up treasure is acceptable
Optional Objectives
-catch every type of fish
-earn gold fishing badge
-become a plantsim