The Gong legacy 3.3

Jan 14, 2012 17:25

Judging snail is judgy, pfft.

I hope you don't hate close-ups, death or birthdays....

The Gongs just moved into a house and after buying them the bare necessities they were broke so that's why it looks all fug for now. But Dean doesn't mind, as long as Bill is still with them.

Mortimer is just happy to have his family.

And Wilhelm is not happy at all.

Zombie-walking while on phone=funny.

Gertrud is gonnas cut dat Dr4gM0nster!

Or eat her hand, whichever.

Ohai, Yor backerbse

Dean got scared by ghosts. If I had included all the ghost-scare pictures (and I didn't catch all), this update would be 50 images longer.

They keep getting stuck there if someone's eating while while holding a plate. It's annoying.

I know zombies are sterile but I decided to let Pubdu and Prof. Willow have a babby.

Yes, Vlora, target the pregnant sim who's actually busy!

Prof. Laci got invited over, this makes me sad that I couldn't let Pubdu marry her (no golden

Gertrud was scared by a ghost and is now playing in a puddle of her own piss. While wearing footsie pyjamas. That never get washed.

The amazing levitation teddy!

Dean grew up and looks just like his mom.

...If you say so.

You're preggers, you can get away with this.


Say hi to Henrietta.

...And Marick

Not now Dean. (He really needs a makeover)


This household isn't unclean at all....

Pubdu,, you're not pregnant anymore!

There is a chess table in the house, use it.

Marick grew up.

And Henrietta, though you don't get to see her right away

Way to ruin your daughter's birthday, Yor.

I updated ACR and forgot to fix the gay/straight ratio to 50/45 and I didn't realize it until after they all became teens. Darn it.

Yes, he needs to be taken down a notch, un like you, "wonder girl".

Guess who just got scared by a ghost?

As you can see, I'm doing a splendid job at ignoring those two.



You finally get to have a dencent look atr Henrietta. And Dean's now makeover.

"You will regret the day you refused to play Rock, paper, scissors wit hme, stepmother dear."
Is it just me or has Willow lost interest in her stepkids as soon as they grew up?

This demands a close-up.

Gertrud still wins in the expression department, imo.

Trying to let Gertrud have some Strobos backerbse action but no dice.

Not the entusiams!

Oh Dean....XD

Willow spends so little time with her kids that the few occasions warrant a picture.

I'm not playing favourites. Nevah!

Do I need to repeat myself?

Wait, what?
Also, thanks for the money, Kagiso and Rhaxma.


Unexpected birthday ahoy!

"Betch, please! You turned me down and now you wanna be in my good graces?"

Strobos dissaproves of lesbians. Or being turned down. Talia by lemon_lime35 hovering in the background and Katrina by iliketoplaygod flirting with a random store sim.

W00t and shit.

And it was time for Mortimer to leave for Uni. But why is Pubdu all smiles?


What did Skeletor ever do to you Henrietta?

....Uni will be so fun if you're both uncontrolalbles.

Uh, yeah. This is the outfit Henrietta grew up in. This doesn't look awful at all....

Jesus, Pubdu, is your pillow really that bad?


Just scroll up if you feel the need to, we'll wait.


Double woo!

I'm amazed the table doesn't have a lot of holes in it by now.



They still like each other, though Pubdu's time is limited.

I'm not sure if Judah brilliantcat likes Pubdu's jokes or not.

I waited to place Mortimer onto a uni lot until Pubu went into green. Instant aspiration boost ftw!

Kip oaphish was sweating so much that there's a waterfall coming out of her glove. Ew.

Stay classy, Pubdu.

I obviously forgot to roll a challange last simweek. And this week's going to be easy.

Just scroll up.

You know what, just keep those windows open, saves a lot of time.

Holy crotchstab, Batman!

Dean went off to Uni.

<3 Still cute (even if Willow is bloody useless)

God-damn ghosts!

I spent their one command on a homework party. I do not regret that.

Yurpian died as he lived in his later years, pretty much ignored by me (but not everyone).

Press the hell out of that button!


I decided to kill two birds with one stone and let Pubdu skill at the same time he's befriending Pigsy by bondchick_nett.

Turn out I needn't bother skilling (or perhaps it was his chess ability that hooked Pigsy, who knows?).

If you had gone to bed like any normal sim...(that is not your dad).


Marick makes a handsome devil.

No wonder he wasn't interested in Gertrud. Jeffrey here is by dark_moon689
Also, when I saw his reflection I though my hood had pooped out and duplicated him.

Zombies being chased by bees XD

Henrietta i taking her sweet time growing up. And wow, Skeletor sure needs a bath.

Kagiso should've picked Benovilo bondchick_nett as a spose.

Wilhelm already went to uni but Gertrud didn't go with him because of her awful grades but she goes a day later and I shipped Marick and Henrietta eith her because I frankly was sick and tired of this generation.
See you at the heir poll!

Torch-Holders(founders/heirs): <>3
Perma-Plat Sims: 0
Aspiration failures/Shrink visit: 14
Social Bunny Visits: 0
Fires: 2
Self-Wettings: 22
Pass-Outs : 27
Fights: 57
Deaths: 5
Social Worker Visits: 0
Alien Abductions: 0

sims, gong

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