Welcome to the last installment of generation 2 and the first installment in the next pixel_trade hood.
I made a mistake when making the teaser, named it 2.4, and that's why the 5 is so beautifully mismatched. Let's say it's.... performance art. Yes.
Proof that the whole (heir) family is intact. And obviously, Vlora and Siegfried got a makeover.
Thankfully, I hadn't spent all their money furnishing (evident by the beautifully bare walls) so they had enough money to fuck the lot up.
It could've been worse, I guess. Like hitting their house and turning the Gongs into orange ghosts.
The sandcastle mania hasn't left the family.
Neither has the love.
But this is new, TANNING! And it's mostly just Siegfried and Pubdu.
Awful tan-lines make Pubdu high.
Sure, game-generated sim, why not?
Vlora seems to be worried about that single kid, just wandering around. Thankfully, it's the Sims 2.
Kagiso is a bit of a meanie <3
Noting eventful happened downtown, but the parent zapping apparently exhausted Kagiso.
And being zapped is equally exhausting!
"Why does she chose to sleep on the floor, rather than in those comfy beds? Is she sick or stupid?" *Worry* *Worry*
Siegfried got his tan.
And his gray hairs.Other than that, he looks pretty much the same.
"Nowhere to go but up?" AHAHAHA..HAHA...haaaaa. It's an isbi, Siegfried, you still haven't figured that out?
This, of course, means that Vlora is also growing up. With a promotion!
Yay! Now they can get a sink!
They just had to gow up in the most hideous outfits and outfit combo available >.<
This is an elder stray, Niji, that they adopted.
Siegfried, that is just creepy and weird. (One of the kids was in the top bunker, so he was kissing them, tecnically.)
See ya later, Rhaxmagater!
How lovely of you, Pubdu.
Nothing happened between them going to college.
Moar promotienz!
The week of the asteroid is over and tecnically, I can fix the lot. But they have no money.
Heirloom 1
Kagiso continues her reign of adorableness.
All the kids are very straight.
Thank you very much, Stephanie
jens_sims Heirloom 2, the skelton of the Jabberwocky at exatly 1000 simoleons.
T.T Niji! *sniff*
(Walkby is Harley
teffielynne )
"The damn cat is in my way of mourning the damn cat!"
Siegfried, unable to build sandcastle, is dedicating his life to Xxxtreme tanning.
Heirloom 3 and Vlora's superior grilled cheese painting.
Yay. A day of watching Kagiso doing nothing, how exciting!
...So, someone decided not to buy a hamburger because Vlora was wearing a costume?
But it's all good because she brought Tumnal
colemariesims home with her.
Siegfried would not stop moping so I sen him and Vlora on a date downtown, and doing as daters do, they flirted, much to teh embarrassment of Wolfram
failsim The picture says it all.
Heirloom 4.
You really think you'll get a tan in the dead of winter?
This generation's kids are obsessed with family O.o
Heirloom 5.
After seeing that disturbing workplace safety video where a cook slips on the floor and gets horrifaically burnt, you should count your lucky stars you weren't sued, Vlora!
Heirloom 6.
Going out to try to find friends for Kagiso. Seems like Tumnal and Coleen
keoni_chan are to busy being friendly with each other to becaome friends with the Gongs.
I guess the fryer accident mustn't have been serious enough to prevent strings-pulling.
.... You are not getting yourself disqualified from the spouse-pool so easily, madams!
Tumnal wasn't fibbing with the string-pulling (though why you'd waste your favors on getting promotion for acquaintances, I don't know)
This Eaxis dude walked past and in a desperate attempt to get Kagiso to do something interesting, I made Vlora greet him and influenced Kagiso to kiss him. It clearly didn't work well.
Siegfried died and reaveals his dislike for his eldest child...
Mourner in back is Matthew
T.T I'm sorry, girls.
Oh, boy!
Vlora's red makeover.
Kagiso's. I didn't bother getting her a new outfit since she's going to Uni in a simday or two.
If you did something, like wearing your pj's randomly, you wouldn't be so unhappy!
Oh noes! Anything but Vlora's valued art opinion!
And finally, Kagiso is old enough to go to Uni.
Torch-Holders(founders/heirs): 2
Perma-Plat Sims: 0
Aspiration failures/Shrink visit: 13
Social Bunny Visits: 0
Fires: 2
Self-Wettings: 14
Pass-Outs : 17
Fights: 26
Deaths: 0
Social Worker Visits: 0
Alien Abductions: 0