(no subject)

Feb 15, 2005 23:23

We had to write a paper for a language arts project that had to be about something that challenges you, or something that effects you negatively. Naturally, I couldn't shy away from controversy.

Lindsey Pollino


LA 3

Personal Dragon

"Women are the only oppressed group in our society that lives in intimate association with their oppressors." -Evelyn Cunningham

Since the dawn of time, women have been faced with segregation by society, and ironically, for thousands of years, learned to accept their place in the world as the "lesser gender"; dealing with sexual, physical and emotional coercion by men with tolerance. For generations women have been exposed to their repression of power and have stood by and watched it. It is unarguable that women have made monumental strides in the past century, but I believe that for women as a whole, there are still massive barriers to be broken through. My personal dragon is sexism against the female race.

When a teenage girl can’t walk down the street with out having lewd comments being made toward her by a male who thinks he is a superior, that is sexism. When a girl is forced to carry rocks in her pocket when she walks around her quiet neighborhood at night for fear of being assaulted by a man who thinks it’s okay to hurt females because he entitled to his domination of women, that is sexism. Each and every day, when females are discriminated against at public schools, in the work place and when they are unostentatious walking their dog down the street, simply because of their reproductive organs, that is sexism. Acts of this nature have and will continue to happen to me as long as I am alive and kicking, but not without a fight.

As any famous war general would know, to obtain defeat in a battle requires strategy. In this situation, the battle is over segregation and the enemy is society’s view on women. This is not going to be easy. Many famous feminists are leading the way for young girls like myself with pro-women (yet, not anti-men) statements, political acts, media entertainment and overall encouragement for women everywhere to take control of the power they can have together. As much as I would like to believe that the overthrow of our male-dominated society is soon to come, my female family members, friends and I make sure we are protected against any sort of any male violence we may come across. I am a firm believer that women should stand up for themselves in all cases, but this isn’t a very realistic option when you are faced with a 250 lb. man tackling you in the middle of an empty parking lot. This is why it is smart to take precautions by picking up self-defense, learning the safest routes to places you go often, and even carrying a small weapon in case of desperate emergency.

Women’s liberation plays a big part in my everyday life and the lives of more half the people I am closest to. This is why, in my future I see myself studying and continuing to fight for female’s rights no matter what career path I choose. For now, I try to be as loud and outspoken as I can on the topic and not be repressed by any male I come in contact with. I am strong, I am invincible, I am woman.
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