Oh, even the strong break down sometimes......

May 10, 2004 23:26

Okay, I tend to think of myself as a self-made man. I try not to take handouts(unless there's no other choice), I choose to deal with my serious issues on my own, I don't want others pity, I make the decisions in my life and right or wrong I alone shall pay the consequences. Where am I going here? hmmmmmm, I actually forgot myself........ let me see. See, I'm so distracted, I'm hungry and I'm cooking a hot dog(all beef) on my George Foreman, an old friend from L.A. just left(we went to the show at the comedy club tonight), yet I honestly cannot recall where I was going with my story. None the less, being the brilliant writer that I am, along with my drunken state, I shall not leave you without expressing a thought that, as always, lives deep inside this human vessel that is my human body. Oh Gawd, after reading what I've already written I'm wondering if I should go on and seeing that my dinner is ready and the fact that I haven't eaten in almost 2 days (primarily due to excessive 'partyin' this weekend I think I may just cut my loses, eat my food, and recede to my bed to lazily watch television until my eyelids become so unbelievably heavy that I have no choice but to submit and settle into a long nights sleep. As I'm writing this, my pickle just slipped out of my hot dog bun and slowly and messily made it's way to the floor taking time only to make unwelcomed deposits of ketchup and mustard and pieces of unmelted cheese on my chair's arm and of course the final destination, the living room carpeting. Yet am I mad?....??? NO. Of course not. Why would I be? What is there to be mad about? I saw my cherished pickle fall to the ground. I realized that I love this pickle. So without thinking twice, I grabbed this runaway pickle and shoved it into my mouth only to crave more of it's tasty offering.

Now I'm glancing at this above writing and I'm thinking that I'm a complete loon. My mind can lose concentration so easily, this is one fault of being an extremely conscious person, but in the same respect, I have only the utmost respect for those denying government assigned oppression.
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