Feb 03, 2010 14:36
i finished work, moved out of potsdam, and am finally living IN berlin... no longer in the outskirts surrounded by huge mansions & unfriendly people. it's funny though because just like when i had finished studying and was leaving berlin back in the summer of 2008, last night, my last night in potsdam, i had another close encounter with a wild pig! the roads were terrible (ice, sleet, snow), so luckily the car didn't swerve too badly. it was a bit different in 2008 when i was biking and this pig ran out into the middle of the street, cutting me off and grunting loudly as it ran away. anyway, funny coincidence.
i met this guy at an apartment party on saturday night. i had seen him earlier on in the evening (when i asked if he could take a picture of my friends and i with a jesus look a like), and his cuteness was overshadowed by my drunken ADD and my lack of enthusiasm in meeting more guys since i'm leaving berlin soon. anyway, i was talking a lot with a random guy and told him i was moving to freiburg to go to school and he was like "OHHHHH, my friend here just finished studying in freiburg!!! here, let me introduce you." turns out his friend was the photo guy. it was a nice surprise and we hit it off. we went out on a date monday night, which was wonderful, and we're hanging out again tonight to make dinner and watch movies (the motorcycle diaries). he's really charming, attractive & intelligent. it probably helps that he's older (27) and isn't in a punk band or into punk rock. i think the last 5 or so guys i've gone after have been in punk bands here... hasn't proved to work out for me.
anyway, i'm feeling optimistic. i don't really care that i'm leaving soon; i think it's better to just enjoy the present and let love happen.