Since Remembering Li Chuan is a memoir of sorts, it's actually made up of interwoven flashbacks, which can sometimes be hard to follow when translating chapter by chapter, and for that I apologize. This chapter, as it happens, is a short flashback... easy for me, more painful for you ^_^;;
Adorable flashback commence )
LC is sometimes too perfect... but then he has that I know what's best for you syndrome so he has a HUGE flaw so it balances out.. but honestly when I was trying to translate it I really had to rack my brains because it's hard to describe how good he is without sounding like he's some Twilight copy.. I'm so amazed at how much you manage to translate because omg this is so much work and you do historical fantasy so that must be so much harder gaahhh..
I think the only reasonable explanation(s) for LC inviting XQ in is either (i) She is extremely good-looking herself (I mean, he's literally described as an immortal) (ii) He was extremely impressed by her honesty about the coffee-and-brainmelt thing or (iii) both.
Omg that's so adorable, that happened to my (very young, seriously, they're not even 10 years older than me) Aunt and Uncle too, only in the Phillipines... I was seriously thinking that if I become prettier I should take up a job as a barista (the prerquisite over here in Vancouver seems to be looks.. every barista here is attractive >_<;;) It seems to have the best perks ever~
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