(no subject)

May 22, 2005 13:39

stole another quiz from Alex-

Tell me a little about yourself

All about you
Full name: Kathleen Lee Gerbore
Age: 13
Birthday: August 12
Height: 5'4
Hair color: dirty blonde
Eye color: Blue
Hobbies: friends(I am a professional hanger outer), Playing guitar, music
Likes: Guys, friends, music, guitar.
Dislikes: FRIENDS THAT GO OUT WITH OTHER PEOPLE AND DON'T TALK TO YOU ANYMORE!! friends talking behind your back, friends lying, and friends not telling you things yeah I swear they only piss me off a little. This list could still keep going but i'll stop here.

My Favorite Things!!
food: sweet stuff
color: blue
place: Vermont
band(s): Taking back Sunday, The Used and more and more.......
store: starbucks(if that counts)
restaurant: The Alpine
subject: Language Arts
animal: dog
gadget: my ipod
item of clothing: my checerbox hot pink and black belt
movie(s): Hitch
website: livejournal.

This or that
Christina or Britney? Christina
jelly or peanut butter? peanut butter
fine arts or atheltics? fine arts
american eagle or pacsun? pacsun
bsb or nsync? ha when I was 9 I was obsessed with nsync I know it was sad
comedy or drama? comedy
blondes or brunettes? I don't care
green eyes or blue eyes? I don't care
tall or short? Well when people are short I feel tall but I dunno I still like tall people
rap or rock? rock
italian or chinese? italian
pink or red? depends cause I like hott pink but not the other pinks

What do you like...about the opp.sex
hair color? brown
eye color? usually brown but they tend to be hott if they have blackish brownish hair and blue eyes
height-wise? same or taller then me
cute? yeah
sweet? yeah but not overly sweet
personality type? funny, can act like an idiot in public and won't care, caring and sweet.
smart? no but not dumb ethier
laid back or hyper-active? both but at the right times
what's your age range for guys you date? 13-16
preppy? no well it depends...
rocker? no they freak me out
surfer? yeah!!
stoner? no they tend to look bad after awhile.....
the guy next door? ewwwwww If u knew my nextdoor neighbor you would understand
sweetie? yeah
jock? i dunno it depends....

When did this happen?
Age of first kiss? 12
Ever been in love? yeah
If so, how many times? ummmmm well it's weird cause I will like a new guy and be likr oh I think I actually love him the last one i didn't but I dunno possibly twice.
Did you get your heartbroken? yes
Is it better now? no
Does he/she know you loved them? I thought but now I'm not so sure
did you enjoy this survey? considering I finshed it I suppose I did
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