(no subject)

Mar 10, 2006 16:14

Excel? Key's a sociopath. Like, really. I found a list of characteristics:

Glibness/superficial charm. Hell yeah
Grandiose sense of self-worth. Definitely
Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom Er...probably
Pathological lying Not likely, but...
Conning/manipulative Yes. He gains a band all to himself, and then a manager...
Lack of remorse or guilt Yep!
Shallow affect If I knew what this meant...
Callous/lack of empathy Most definitely
Parasitic lifestyle At least off Excel
Poor behavioral controls Yep
Promiscuous sexual behavior Most probably
Early behavior problems No clue
Lack of realistic, long-term plans YES
Impulsivity Again, YES
Irresponsibility Wow, still yes
Failure to accept responsibility for own actions Absolutely
Many short-term marital relationships uh, probably?
Juvenile delinquency I can't picture him as a kid...
Revocation of conditional release Er...huh?
Criminal versatility (Hare, 1986) He is a member of an underground terrorist organization...

I'm thoroughly amused.
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