
Dec 06, 2010 21:30

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i am so tired of this shit. i understand you've had a bad few days..i COMPLETELY FUCKING UNDERSTAND. really, i do. i'm sorry i didn't help matters and that after you tell me shit like that i don't feel too great and i get upset too. i'm sorry i grow quiet...when i'm upset that's what i do. then you tell me "i think i'll just let you go" yes, see, i WANT to talk to you, but i don't know how to make things better if i had a pretty crappy day myself. and because you went off on me, and in the process, definitely hurt my feelings to a large extent, i ended up ignoring you. yes, i saw that you apologized, but it doesn't help. it still hurt. then you pull this crap: "i love how i'm being ignored..feel the love" JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. you basically told me to not talk to you, i saw your apologies, i'm currently hurt because of you, so yes i'm going to ignore you for now, you know i love you, damnit. don't pull that shit. i'm guilty of taking out my bad day(s) on other people, yes, i know. but, you have bad days almost every day..and every day i end up in tears or upset or depressed. i love you to death, but this shit has got to stop. stop talking to these girls that have done shit to you, then want you back JUST FUCKING TELL THEM TO FUCK OFF. block their numbers, im's, messages..and tada! no more "i wish i could take it all back, i'm so sorry..i wish i was still with you..." shit. and i know for fact you could pass 10th grade english if you really wanted to, i realize your teacher is a bitch, i know you don't like her, but guess what? we've all had shitty teachers that hand you assignments you think are impossible to do.. but most people just grow some balls and do it. doing half of your work is not completing your work. i know you're not too great at english, I KNOW, just like i'm not too great in math..thing is, all you need to do is just sit down, concentrate, take as many notes as you can, ask questions, and when you get a huge assignment, don't sit there and complain about it, just do it. then, you'll be able to see me, i'll be able to see you, and then your mum can stop bitching about the fact you have failed 10th grade english multiple times. i love you, i do. but i'm tired of getting hurt, and i'm tired of hurting you because of you hurting me.
rant over.


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