(no subject)

Jul 27, 2006 10:53

So Lance Bass came out to the public yesterday. *dances for joy*

I know, I know...it's an odd reason for me to come back here and post. But any friends I have/had that like/liked NSYNC are friended on this journal, not over on my GJ. Anyway, yes, I am muchly happy and muchly proud of Lance for finally saying it. Even in the midst of my biggest NSYNC fangirl days, I always thought he was gay. I was never one of those fans in denial and I most certainly one of those fans who got angry and screamed and fought when someone said that ANY of them were gay. Well, hello duh, that's probably pretty obvious thanks to all the slashy fanfic I wrote. *laughs*

Seriously, though, this has brought NSYNC back to the forefront of my mind and caused me to download every song they ever put out EVER from BearShare. I am now having an NSYNC listening party of my very own. It's definitely for the best that Eva is at work. I think she would slit her wrists if she was here and had to hear this.

All of this has also got me wondering about my old NSYNC fanfic friends. Gina, Cassie, Becky...all of the originals. I wonder how they're taking the news. I wonder if they're even paying attention. I wonder if they even care anymore. And of course it makes me think of Stace and Hoss and Spe and Heather and Steph. Especially Spe and Heather. Man, it seems like it's been forever but at the same time it feels like just yesterday. Those were the days. The BEST days. I miss them. A lot.

Now, if only JC would come out my world would be complete.

...I have issues...
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