(no subject)

Apr 15, 2005 16:17

It's been a while since my last update so I should probably attempt one, huh?

I think my paid account runs out in, like, seven days or something. I haven't decided yet if I feel like spending the money to reup it. I don't post here as much as I used to. And really, the only reason I ever bought a paid account was so I could have a ton of icons. Which is still cool and all...but now that I RP over at GreatestJournal, I'm used to having an UNLIMITED amount of icons for FREE. So, yeah, not real sure what I'm gonna do. I've thought about just moving my journal to GreatestJournal...but I don't know. Some of you I ONLY have contact with through LJ and I don't want to lose that. Maybe I'll just let my account go back to free and suck it up and only have three icons. We'll see.

I was sick as a dog all last week. I'm only just now starting to feel completely human. I still have a nasty cough, though. Maybe I should stop smoking again. Don't know why I ever started up again in the first place. It's just a stress reliever, really. Working at Kroger you need SOMETHING to chill out with when you leave the store. Drinking is too expensive and I can't get pot now that Mike isn't around. Well, I mean, I COULD...but I don't really know anyone well enough to call them up and ask for some. So, yeah, cigarettes it is. Still, I should stop. I don't even really like it. And I'm baffled by the fact that when I started smoking with Kat I was smoking Marlboro Reds. Marlboro Ultra Lights are it for me now. Which, when you think about it, is kinda like smoking air. But whatever.

I'm witholding most comments on how I feel about wrestling at the moment. I can bitch and scream and rant all I want. But in the end, I have two options. Get pissed, stop watching, and no longer support WWE. Or get pissed, get over it, and realize that I still enjoy wrestling even if I do think Vince McMahon is senile and HHH and Stephanie are the downfall of the company. Obviously, I'm going with choice number two. I watch the portions of the show that I want to see. The portions I don't want to see, I leave the room for. Such is life when you're a wrestling fangirl like I have become.

On the subject of wrestling, I purchased two DVDs and they came in the mail yesterday. The Viva Las Divas DVD isn't bad. It absolutely cracks me up to see Dawn and Jackie walking around arm and arm being all friendly. I realize they were simply in a storyline when it comes to hating each other. But in my RPG, they cannot be in the same room without a catfight starting. So. Yes. My Charlie-critter damn near fell out of his chair when he saw them together on screen. It was quite amusing. At least in my head. It was hard for me to watch Lita's spots in the DVD. As much as I have always been a fan...I think it's starting to fade. And it makes me sad to say that. But knowing that while she was in Mexico being all cute, Matt was at home waiting for her and she was fucking Edge when they were on the road...it's just finally gotten to me, I guess. I'm not going to call her names and be a hater. I'm not going to do that to Edge, either. But fakeness is something I don't deal well with. And the affair that they had going on, for the length of time that they had it going on, shows a lot of fakeness on the part of both Adam and Amy. But wait...didn't I say I wasn't going to comment on the state of wrestling and this whole situation? Yeah. I did. Moving on.

The other DVD I got was Rey Mysterio 619. I know it's a couple years old and I'm way late on finally getting it. But I've been looking for it at Best Buy for AGES and it was never in stock. So I finally just ordered it off bestbuy.com. I. LOVE. THIS. DVD. Seriously, I shrieked like a little girl during 75% of it. And then I walked around my house, getting ready for work, saying out loud, "I love him. Oh my god, I love him. I cannot believe it. I love him." Okay, logically speaking, I do NOT love him. I don't KNOW him. But ROWR...I love him. Heh. I cannot remember the last time a wrestler did THIS to me. Shane doesn't do it. Charlie doesn't do it...though he comes close. Shelton doesn't do it. Shawn doesn't do it. I guess the last time my fangirl tendencies were this bad was when I discovered the enigma that is Jeff Hardy. And I now have his logo tattooed on my back...so we all know where THAT went. I don't think I'll be getting a 619 tattoo anytime soon. But DAYUM. I love Rey Mysterio. And that's enough of that. Reading this makes me want to slap myself.

I've just wasted a good twenty minutes by typing all of this up while I should have been working. Go me. I should get back to work.

For any of my friends who make icons...I am DYING for icons of Dawn Marie and Jackie from the Viva Las Divas shoot. Please and thank you in advance if anyone can make me some!
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