May 16, 2006 18:00

Please forgive me, but I'm going to vent about something that most of you don't know about, or probably even give a whole whup-di-do about. Some I may offend with my point of view, or some of the things I say, I apologize, and chalk it up to me venting.

so, my old school district is close to 1,000,000 in debt (850,000 or so actually, but close enough). And the last few years they have been cutting the budget to try to get out of said debt, I'll ignore the stupid politics that have gone on and keep it to the issue at hand. so, as has been widely stated in the local newspaper (which it turns out not many people get, which will be possibly addressed later), there would be close to another 900,000 cut from the next year's budget due to the fact that kids are leaving the district faster than a gazelle running from a cheetah (due to the budget cuts and closing of school buildings/cutting of classes/programs) and other things, like deadlines, and bonds coming due. So, there is a referendum (because you can't pass anything without a referendum, even though we elected the school board to make decisions) to say whether the property taxes should go up $50 a year on a house that is appraised at 150,000 (or roughly those numbers). Now is where I need to be careful, because I could possibly really offend some people (including my beloved). Had the referendum been up to Glencoe, the thing would have passed. But, alas, we had to ask every town in the school district. And for some reason, people decided it was more important to have the 50 bucks to spend on their fucking cigarettes and beer than to spend it on the kids. I for one am waiting with baited breath for next fall when people start writing the letters to the editor complaining about the cuts, and how the school district has no money and no options for the kids. Nevermind the probable drastic cut, if not complete elimination of one of the top music programs in the state, and the loss of even more awesome teachers (not many left from my day, but they're still good). I know this is kind of rambling and going on, but I needed to vent over the FUCKING MORONS that live in this school district. I had always had in the back of my head a possibility of moving back here some day. but it's going to take a lot now, why would I (or anyone for that matter) move to a town that doesn't care worth shit what happens to the kids that are supposed to be going to school there (they won't be, because they'll all leave to open-enrollment.)

Thanks for listening

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