(no subject)

Oct 20, 2005 23:11

Trance had tried to stop her. Dylan had tried to stop her. Doyle, half-crazy with anxiety as she was, had even tried to stop her. And Rhade...Rhade would have tried to keep her there by force if he hadn't known full well that she could kick his ass in her sleep. They had all told her that either Harper was dead, in which case looking for him was pointless, or he was alive and looking for a way home, in which case looking for him was also pointless.

Beka had never been a great listener.

She prepped the slipfighter to enter the slipstream. Already she could feel the tug of the enormous wave of energy as the portal began to open. The Andromeda was still on her radar. She could still go back, give up on him. It wasn't too late.

'It was too late a long time ago,' she growled to her doubts.

She was sucked into the portal, the sudden burst of speed pressing her backwards into the seat. But she was the best damn slipstream pilot in the Known Worlds and...

'What in the name of the Vedran Empress's Great Uncle?' she muttered as she saw the abnormality in the slipstream portal in front of her. It was coming up fast and she could feel herself starting to panic. She squashed the fear. 'Just close your eyes and think of Harper,' she told herself, obeying her own intructions until she realised how stupid the former one was. 'Crap! Don't close your eyes, Beka...'

Make a choice, that usually works.

She made a choice.


Her slipfighter seemed to be gliding dangerously downwards into what looked like a mirror. Great, now she had to deal with seven years bad luck as well? Oh well, she's already handled about thirty. But then she realised that it was not a mirror she was flying into, it was a lake. So she could drown rather than being cursed. Yaaayyyy...

She managed to pull her slipfighter up, and saw the edge of the lake rapidly approaching. She was going to make it. And if she was wrong then she wouldn't be around long enough for anyone to gloat. This time she really did close her eyes and hoped for a soft landing. And whether it was her piloting skills or just dumb luck, it actually worked. She bounced around in her seat when she hit the ground, feeling like in egg on a rollercoaster, but ultimately by the time the dust settled she was practically unscathed.

She groaned sulkily at her developing bruises and somehow managed to get the hatch of the battered slipfighter open, and then miraculously managed the get out. She fell limply onto soft grass and softer mud and thought about how she hated planets so much she could scream. She let her head loll to one side and through her blurred vision she saw a building. It looked, inexplicably, like a bar, from the outside.

Drink, she thought happily.
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