Jan 15, 2007 22:26
This ones red. So hopefully red ones live longer than blue ones. I tried feeding him and he ate it right away but then spit it back out. We took votes on how long this one will live. I'm assuming like a month. Our big goal is for it to make it till spring break. Which reminds me, I'm going to Washington DC over spring break and I'm dragging amanda, joe, and cody (and maybe evan and joel) along if it kills me. So far they all said they'd go and I hate to be the one to make plans since that never goes well.
Classes begin tomorrow and since its the first week I don't have lab, which means I get to sleep in till 10. And my first class is sociology, which I'm looking forward to since its the only class I have with amanda, so it should be a good time, and it should hopefully be an easy one. Then I have sailplane in the afternoon. Which really isn't sailplane since we decided last semester to ditch that and work on building a human powered aircraft and enter the kremer prize, which should also be interesting. So in all tomorrow should be an enjoyable day.
Tonight I shall leave you with a quote from joe that comes from a conversation the two of us were having today about using text speak (like lol and wtf) in the classroom, since somewhere (I don't remember where) it is now allowed to use it on tests and homework. Anyway the quote... "Why do they hate grammar so much? What did grammar ever do to you? Did you catch grammar in bed with your wife?"