Jan 18, 2005 13:01
i'm having tooth related dreams again. i wonder what it means. any of you out there have one of those dream interpretation books? you know, the dream where your teeth get really brittle and break up in your mouth and all fall out. the difference this time, i had this row of like 5 or 6 teeth on the back of my head, under my hair, and those were the first to fall out. well, actually, i rather plucked them out. what does it mean? i think it means i've been watching too much Carnivale, not that i'm gonna stop, i'm only on episode 7! my shift exchange requests at work keep getting denied. they stole our trade trackers. it's unfortunate, because it basically makes me not like the job, which i probably would decently like otherwise. you know, as much as you can like something that you don't want to do 8 hours out of your day. hopefully one of my schedule changes would get approved. god forbid they play things fair and let people have either saturday or friday night off, when they can just make a bunch of people there work both. and sunday night too. yea, MCI's scheduling department rather seems to be a bunch of chumps.