HPV Vaccine

Apr 09, 2007 22:34

So I was at work and asked one of the GYN docs why they don't give the HPV vaccine to all females. What she said is that in California, about 80% of people have been exposed to the virus. Even though your pap smears are negative, you could still have been exposed. If you've already been exposed then the vaccine wouldn't really help you. She said if you were a 30 some-odd year old nun and hadn't had sex, that would be one thing. *lol* Otherwise it's not really cost effective since the shots are $600.00 a pop {I think}.

Just thought I'd pass along what I learned in school today. *s*

Edit Here's a link that says pretty much what I just did, but a little better {other than it looks like it costs much less that she said}...
It also says the vaccine has not been tested in women older than 26, but that those tests are being conducted.

Personally, I dunno. Ya never know what you have. I just don't know what it will do to women in their 30's. There's all that stuff that changes at age 34-35 in the female body. I certainly don't want to make matters worse...

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