Mar 09, 2006 16:11

Okay, I owe many post-type-things (and there is a reason why I have been so quiet lately, which I will go into later), but here is a brief and happy update:

I got the new job that I applied for!
It pays decent to start, and in three months I get a great big raise that changes it to "pays very well indeed" (my lack of experience is why I'm not starting out with the "very well, indeed" -- although the "decent" is quite decent and is actually what I was expecting to make -- but my degree and the fact that my new boss and my uber boss are apparently VERY enthusiastic about me are why, come evaluation period, I am apparently guaranteed to be bumped up), and, due to really lucky circumstances I'll also have a shot at a REALLY awesome promotion with a much higher salary at about the same time. If I decide that I'm interested in the new position. So, you know, more money either way, and an opportunity to chose a position that best suits me. And the benefits are practically tailor made for me.

So. No more retail, a really nice and structured schedule (8:30 to 5:30, mon-fri), I never have to work a single weekend, my co-workers all seem lovely, my boss Amy is the cutest thing ever, my uber boss Dennis is a sweetheart, I literally live three minutes from the office -- five if there is heavy traffic (I timed it), and I won't have to start selling plasma in order to afford my prescriptions.

I'm a little psyched.

And now I need to call Lee Michaels and give my notice.
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