we're just a battery for hire with a guitar fire...

Feb 11, 2006 00:27

I finally got my appointment with the Chaplain today. I love Chaplain Adams, he's awesome. I got to talk to him for a good hour and a half. Even better, it was during school *lol*. It's wonderful how accepting and non-judgemental Chaplains are. Anyway, I have some time to kill, so I facilitated this quiz thingy form Jenn's journal into mine.

1. Person that slept in bed beside you? do you mean the whole night, or just fell asleep? *lol* if the latter, then Jenn
2. Saw you cry? Jenn
4. You went to the mall with? Koller, Buckingham, Nielsen, Dunn, Scovill, Lawrence, Barrett (we travel in packs *laughs*)
5. You went to dinner with? Rosemond, O'Donnell, the monkey, Cagle, Marcus, Ridenhour, Bennett, Brown
6. You talked on the phone? Jenn
7. Broke your heart? an ex, duh
8. Made you laugh? Jenn

1. Pierce your nose or tongue? the Navy doesn't allow such things, but neither, I don't have the desire to take care of another hole in my face
2. Be serious or be funny? funny, it's less stressful
3. Drink whole or skim milk? the shit in the middle
4. Die in a fire or drown? drown, i can swim a lot better than can repel fire
5. Spend time with your parents or enemies? enemies, it can be so much more fun, if you have things planned just so...

1. Simple or complicated? simple, damnit *lol*
2. Gay? the last time i checked, no
3. Hardcore? define hardcore... *lol*

1. Flowers or candy? candy is edible, and more exciting when fed to someone else...
2. Gray or black? black is so much hotter
3. Color or Black and white photos? color is much more exciting
5. Sunrise or sunset? sunrise
6. M&Ms or Skittles? skittles!
8. Staying up late or waking up early? i've learned to appreciate both *lol*

1. Do you like anyone? like is no where near strong enough for how i feel about Jenn
2. Do they know it? i really doubt she's forgotten in the past few minutes *lol*

1. Sun or moon? moon, because the night is so much better
2. Winter or Fall? between the two? fall, leaves are pretty
3. Left or right? left is so much better
4. 10 acquaintances or having two best friends? two bestfriends.
5. Sun or rain? both, at the same time *laughs* yes, that happens here
6. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? chocolate, because vanilla is much too bland
7. Boys or girls? girls are much more fun *grins*

1. What time is it? 12:50
2. Name? Matthew
3. Nickname(s): Schirtz, shits, pants, asshole...
4. Where were you born? Syracuse, NY
5. What is your birthdate? July 4, 1987
6. What do you want? to spend every waking moment with jennifer, and the one's when i'm asleep
7. Where do you want to live? i'm really not sure yet *lol*
1. Nervous Habits? twirling a pen, tapping my foot
2. Are you double jointed? nope
3. Can you roll your tongue? yeap
4. Can you raise one eyebrow? not really
5. Can you cross your eyes? yeap
6. Do you make your bed daily? i have to

1. Which shoe goes on first? left
2. Ever thrown something at someone? plenty of times, he was squatting just over 60 feet away
3. On average how much money do you carry with you? about a nickel
4. What jewelry do you wear? uh, dog tags?
1. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? twirl, people who cut noodles are weird
2. Have you ever eaten Spam? Spam sucks
3. Favorite ice cream: moose tracks
4. How many kinds cereal are in your cabinet? i don't have a cabinet
5. What's your favorite beverage? Dr. Pepper
7. Do you cook? every once in awhile
---10 Firsts---
First Best Friend:: danny helms
First Screenname:: my current one
First Pet Name:: they were gerbils, they didn't have names
First Piercing:: never had one
First Crush:: Kelsey Toomey, 6th grade
First CD:: I don't remember
First School:: Piney Grove
First House Location:: Rebecca st in Syracuse
First Kiss:: quite interesting, actually *lol*
First Car:: that i own? 2000 cavalier
---9 Lasts---
Last Time You Smoked::
Last Food You Ate:: chiken teriyaki
Last Car Ride:: from dinner to base
Last Movie You Watched:: the princess bride, but as Jenn said, "watched" would suit it better...
Last Phone Call:: to Jenn
Last CD You Listened To:: Eve 6 - Horrorscope
Last Bubble Bath You Took:: i can't even remember
Last Song You Listened To:: Eve 6 - Nocturnal
Last Words You Said:: "don't do anything stupid, and if you do, take pictures"
---8 Have-You-Evers---
Dated A Best Friend:: almost...
Been Arrested:: do you actually have to be read your miranda rights for it to count? or does being handcuffed work?
Been On TV:: yeap, assuming the local news counts, several times
Eaten Sushi:: of course
Cheated On Your B/F or G/F:: never
Been On A Blind Date:: almost
Been Out Of The Country:: yeap, if canada counts
Been In Love:: *smiles* obviously
---7 Things You Are Wearing---
1:: boxers
2:: glasses
3:: uhhh...
4:: ...
5:: ...
6:: ...
7:: ...
---6 Things You've Done Today---
1:: showered
2:: walked to school
3:: ate a few times
4:: did some watch qualifications
5:: sang in the car
6:: chewed a guy out in walmart for being out of uniform
---5 Favorite Things (not in any order)---
1:: Jenn
2:: the Navy
3:: food
4:: friends
5:: family
---4 People You Most Trust---
1:: Jenn
2:: David
3:: Pennacchio
4:: Tonini
---3 Things You Want To Do Before You Die---
1:: make Chief
2:: visit some part of europe
3:: get married
---2 Choices---
Vanilla or Chocolate:: chocolate
Hugs or Kisses:: uh, both?
--1 Person You Want To See Right Now---
1:: Jenn, of course *lol*
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