Obligatory update on The Terrible Tale.

Jul 02, 2005 18:26

So, since I wrote an actual entry in here about a week ago, I’ve been to Melbourne and back, spending four days with my beautiful boyfriend in both “the place to be” and Sydney. I’ve also been to hell and back. Ever since I returned from Wangaratta all those weeks ago, things have taken a turn for the worse. The only times of happiness and sanity since then have been when I was with David.

Within the hour of David’s departure back to Victoria, my life promptly went to pieces. Queenie, being the bitch she is, stopped dead twice on the drive home and had to be taken to an auto-electrician - so I was carless for another two days. Plus Dad had to pay for the repair, as I’m still poor after the insurance payment on my accident. Which I still haven’t fully paid him back for. And I don’t have nearly enough for my Uni fees in August and my rego in November and my monthly insurance fees… and I don’t know when I’ll see David again. I’m finding it harder and harder to comfort him with these typed words.

Sometimes, all you need to say can only be articulated in a simple hug.

You'll come down from the Lurch
with an unpleasant bump.
And the chances are, then,
that you'll be in a Slump.

And when you're in a Slump,
you're not in for much fun.
Un-slumping yourself
is not easily done…

However, things haven’t been completely hopeless. I have twenty-five hours of work this coming week (cha-ching!), as well as five hundred dollars in tax soon-ish; I got an e-mail on Tuesday telling me that I got into Seuss show (the second starting text which I couldn’t recall is Hermann Hesse’s Siddhartha, the story of the first Buddha’s journey to enlightenment - Watt has generously bought me a copy of it); I got two new groovy CDs: Bjork’s Debut and Coldplay’s X&Y, the latter a gift from David; and today I laybyed a gorgeous pair of green suede heels I’ve been eyeing off for ages, on sale.

So I think I’ll be all right, in the end.


I don’t think, after all the headache-inducing shit that’s happened at the site as of late, I could write an account on my surprise trip to Melbourne without getting my mind all wrapped up in horrible politics again. So instead, I’m going to focus my thoughts on the positives - on the people who made my visit so worthwhile.

Jo, for being the best hostess and partner in spontaneous sandy heroic leaping on that fun Friday night. I’ll get you your birthday present one of these days, I swear. (Also, thanks for listening to me prattle on and on about my travel plans in chat whispers, and not telling anybody about my trip.)

Bec, Alice, Tammy, Greg, and the rest of the Chanelbs for your warmth and humour and fervour and craziness.

All the insomniac communists, for opening your house and hearts to we wayward non-Chanelbs. Warm kisses all around for you four!

Yair, for taking time out of your busy day to see David and I. Twas most appreciated.

Timoth, for your awesome sugar-themed tour of Melbourne. You gave me such a great experience of that town - my memories of that day make me want to return.

Sonya and Max (sorry, but you’ll always be Max to moi :p), for your company and for being the gorgeous things that you are.

That other Tam, the one in Sydney, for standing in the rain after school for twenty minutes when David and I were late - apologies once again about that darling. You're a true friend.

I’ve missed you all more than I realised. Thoughts of you make the suffocating crap so much more bearable.

And, of course, thank you to David. For the beauty you bring to my life.

::listens to Coldplay and starts to smile::
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