
Mar 12, 2010 08:58

Well, it seems like I have to keep posting and updating my journal to keep friends and commenting on a person's LJ.  To be honest, my daily routine, is one of the most boring.  So I just don't update on those days. In other news, I finished my book!  I've revised it, too!  Here's the synopsis:

Seattle, Washington 1990 -

Rebecca McLacey has just lost her parents in a car accident in January 1991.  About six months later, her normal bleeding has ceased. Is she pregnant? She buys two pregnancy tests and her suspicions are confirmed. After making an appointment with her doctor, she discovers that she is, indeed, pregnant. Fearful of her husband, Daniel’s, reaction at first, she is overjoyed to find out that he’s thrilled.

Working as a physical therapist in the local Children’s Hospital, Rebecca discovers a new name on the roster; a man by the name of Alejandro de la Roca. She and Daniel try to witness to de la Roca the love of Christ, but they don’t get far, until one day, Rebecca reads about Elijah and the prophets of Baal. Then de la Roca comes in and is told about the Trinity.

When she goes in for an ultrasound at four and a half months; Rebecca decides to keep the baby’s gender a secret. But then, Daniel and Rebecca discover they’re having twins!

Alejandro wants to become a child of God.

Even after Alejandro is saved, his conman side is still at work. He pays a teenager to kill Daniel in a ‘car accident.’ Stricken with guilt at the last minute, Alejandro tries to stop it, but he is too late. Rebecca holds her husbands head, while he lay dying and Rebecca turns away from God.

As if that isn’t enough, she starts bleeding. She calls her doctor and is rushed to the clinic. She’s had, what is called, the vanishing twin syndrome; where you are pregnant with twins, but lose one.

Her walks with Alejandro become more frequent, that is until she goes into labor. Alejandro carries her back to the hospital. After eight hours of labor, she starts to push and has a healthy baby girl, Ariel Rose. At first, Rebecca’s world of sadness eases. But the baby is only healthy until she reaches eighteen months. Ariel has ALL, Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia. She undergoes treatment and soon goes into remission. She hangs out at Katherine’s, while her mother goes out with Alejandro.

At dinner, she sees something sparkle in her champagne glass. Is that a ring?

Oh, no! Alejandro’s down on one knee.

Alejandro, having confessed to his role in Daniel’s death and his eternal guilt wins her heart. He will have to pay for his part in her husband’s murder, but she believes that he will be a good father to Ariel and a good husband to her, and she will wait for him. He truly is a child of God now. Her own happiness is complete when Ariel enters remission, her cancer banished by the chemotherapy. God has smiled on her and she knows happiness once more.
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