Nov 20, 2005 03:21
wpow what was the crazisest part of the evinein ing ? I would have to sya... no it was not m ycrazy dancing in baueteau 8* *beauty bar of arll places where i really lost control on the not-ad-ance-floor efven if i had 2 qsaure feet of space to olose cotnttrol in , is still managed. in no *no it was noot m e dancing around someone i mad e out wi hth two nights ago , by dancing here i eman avoided not really d anvcing , but i avoided in a luaguhabley awlwakward way that made several ppleleple chcukle , i didnt erally want to see thsi person and ecrce *recognize the fact weae *swe *we had made out . i o did a piss porpo *poor psis poor job of dancing around sbutly *subtly the thruth of what had pahappened that nig ht in fact i d sitnicnitly *discticntly *distinclty (thsats the best ist *its gonna get spellinigwise) recall a veyr crayz merlyl streep laugh upon saying hi to this perosn. i dont knowi f i t was when jen waks *jen akese *jen asked me ba *abt my dpseaudo date that nver was bec ause my one truel ove never repleied back to my meail *email haha even though s eh *she'd sounded so enthused before. was the craziest moment whe n thoste two girls at the poepeyes next to beatuybar were so impressed that i go to usc film school that tsam said duede you couldve totally said yeah hey im having a party tomorrow night and thye totalyl woldudlvldve coume or that jen said yeah but they both hjad herpes bad???? somehow even derunk i can still tell popeole about my dream with the russain mafia and enid from ghost world in a commefrical for Tab soda: Bjork style! (Bjork's face ons ide of cvan of Tab) where the Tab soda can and enid fare oin a mission with 60s spespoionage music playing like bunuNUHnununUNan. no i think the craziest moemnt of the night was the guy who said to jen right after we were talkin g a bout all the weird gusy who have hit on jen on myspace this guy in poepeyes walks u p to her HE Y I THINK I KNOW YOU RFFROM MYSPACE!!! at that point sam wisely said of all the crazy things that happenede at the hpopeyes next to beauty bar that took the CAKE!
in mscl terms....
'we had....
[her e it comes }']