Mar 15, 2002 13:53
==========update for last few weeks============
-Chris in persona-
Yup, Chris is persona projector's lead singer now. They don't know if it'll be for good, but at least for this tour and I must say that he is sounding damn fine. His stage presence is totally sweet too. They also made some awesome shirts and Jesus candles.
-AT, WAS, PP, TTT! show-
Holy crap, this show was so sweet I almost coughed up a baby.
-Bane, PtW show-
Not bad, there were some major dicks there and 4 like, NEAR fights. They finally got thrown out, which is good. Plus, we brought the Iano pride. ha ha ha.
-Gagits, Haymarket Riot show-
I really had an awesome time at this one too, the Gadgits are all Rock now.... they do a pretty good job. Haymarket was totally sweet too.
My photography class is a great deal of work but I think I'm really learning a lot. I'm thinking of maybe putting a couple of my prints up on the Art Conspiracy, but I don't know how I feel about that. I've been shooting a lot of photographs of Persona Projector and Makeshift. Some of which are pretty cool. They actually put one of Matt (makeshift) in the Santa Fe Reporter this week in the piece about the American Tragedy show.
-Everything Else-
If you've even gotten this far your probably a very good friend, or a very bored person. Oh yeah, we went to bingo! It was so awesome. I took some photographs, and got to see Will be a caller. We didn't win anything, but we're going back next week. I applied to School about two weeks ago, and I haven't heard back yet. They said that the wait is about a week to get a response, so I think I'm going to call them on Monday. I'm not worried about it simply because I know there's nothing I can do about it now anyway. Still, it'd be nice to know. Liz also applied, but she's in for sure. Such a badass. No question.
-this is for all that crap that I would have put up here while I was feeling bad-