@#$% I.. That was too @%$^'d up even fer me, I... damnit--
My heart was pound'n in my ears at the time, I a.. I'm not the sorta guy who get's spooked easily (cept by Vin, that guy is an expert in spookology!) but that night I lost my mind! The most valuable thing I own! That's mine damnit! My brain belongs to me and like hell is some @#$%'n fire-breather allowed to have it! I don't give a shit if I'm the descendant of Bahamut of Shiva or Jenova, no one's allowed to take that from me! After that lil episode and all the people I know I scared the shit right outta (I know, I smelled it, UGH!) I'm more determined that ever to claim back what's mine permanently. Nothin scares me, gottit?! NOTHIN!!
I gotta shitload'a more important things to be focused on. Reeve's trial is tomorrow an I'm needed at the front. Can't be deal'n with this dragon-shit when he's in trouble. An I know I'm the biggest voice of reason 'round these parts, so those judge'n him are gonna get an earfull from me weather they like it or not. Reeve wants'ta protect everyone when he can barely protect himself, so I'm goin there to do it. That's my role in'nit it? I'm yer regular tough-guy, hate'n on people who think they can stomp on the lil guy....
@#$% maybe I jes don't wanna see 'im cry'n anymore... So I'll give'im a reason never to cry again someone's gonna keep him from look'n like a pussy, but he @#$%'s it up so much, I can barely keep up.