Well hotDAMN if this don't beat all! So I was spooked out a bit at first, right? I mean, c'mon! I wake up and I'm in this DUMP of a apartment with kiddy comics all of the floor, I nearly trip muhself on a stack of 'em and.. wham
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Woo well'a PARDON me, el Mr. Roboto! This yer's? Just so ya know, you had some shoddy shitty wire'n goin on in the knees, so I took the liberty of give'n ya a complete overhaul!
Who'ever built ya musta been read'n too many 'o these kiddy books to think any a'this would hold up underit's own weight fer long!
By the way, nice new skin ya got there chicky-pie.
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Who'ever built ya musta been read'n too many 'o these kiddy books to think any a'this would hold up underit's own weight fer long!
By the way, nice new skin ya got there chicky-pie.
Uh... thanks, I guess--
Chicky-pie? This is a guy's body!
Just make sure you're careful with mine!
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