Since I'm really interested in my own characters from The Definition of Sanity, I figured I should give the questionnaire I gave Ichabod to Ned, since Ned's the main character and all. 8D
I'm just using up space on this blog. Oh well. Nobody reads it.
• What is your character's name? Does the character have a nickname?
His name is Ned Campbell. His nickname is "Neddy," which is only used by his not-mom Lori and by Ichabod. Ichabod only uses it derisively or if Ned is hurt, just like Ned calling Ichabod "Icky."
• What is your character’s hair color? Eye color?
Reddish-brown. Sort of an auburn/mahogany color. His eyes are hazel, with lots of colors speckled in them.
• What kind of distinguishing facial features does your character have?
Like Ichabod, his only real distinguishing facial feature is the expression he wears. He's very alert, usually scowling or just kind of somber and looking at the floor.
• Does your character have a birthmark? Where is it? What about scars? How did he get them?
It really has no relevance to the story, but I know Ned has a little brown patch of skin just above his hipbone. He has no scars, but just like Ichabod, he'll be obtaining quite a few as he goes on the run. Starting with a cut on his arm from when he rescued that woman from her car in the first chapter.
• Who are your character’s friends and family? Who does he surround herself with? Who are the people your character is closest to? Who does he wish he were closest to?
Ned starts out in the story with no friends. He ran away from home at 14 years old to live with his best and only friend - at the time - Jordan. When they were 16, Jordan was hit by a car and died. Ned still lives with Jordan's parents, Lori and Andy, and they treat him as a son just the way they had before Jordan's accident. Ned doesn't surround himself with anybody; he is an outcast at school, and when he travels with Ichabod and Kerrington...well, two people doesn't really qualify as "surrounding" him. Ned is closest to Ichabod and Kerrington, but he wishes he could have been close to Lori and Andy the same way.
• Where was your character born? Where has she lived since then? Where does she call home?
Born in a hospital in a town in America...>.> I don't have a setting for this place at all. XD Ned has lived in an apartment with his parents until he was 14, then lived in a house with Jordan and Lori and Andy. Now he lives in motel rooms and Ichabod's truck (Fran) with Ichabod and Kerrington. Now, to Ned, anywhere is home so long as Ichabod and Kerrington are with him.
• Where does your character go when he’s angry?
Ned likes to climb on the roof of his house when he's angry (or simply just to be alone and think). Now he just takes a walk or sits on top of Ichabod's truck (if it's not moving) if he's pissed. Sometimes, he'll just stay where he is and sulk.
• What is his biggest fear? Who has he told this to? Who would he never tell this to? Why?
He's scared of losing Ichabod and Kerrington. He hasn't told them, because it sort of goes without saying, and he's not a fan of expressing his feelings and all that sap. There's no one, really, he'd never tell that to...I mean, like, if for some odd reason they directly asked if he was scared of losing them, he wouldn't be like "Pft, NO" or anything. XD
• Does he have a secret?
At first, kinda. He doesn't really want Ichabod to know, but Ichabod finds out anyway. Ned wasn't necessarily keeping it from him, though.
• What makes your character laugh out loud?
Kerrington being stupid, Ichabod saying something snarky...
• When has your character been in love? Had a broken heart?
Well, he's only 18, so even if I say yes, who's to say it'll last forever and ever? As for a broken heart, he's never had a romantically broken heart, but Jordan dying messed him up a bit.
• What is in your character’s refrigerator right now? On her bedroom floor? On her nightstand? In her garbage can?
At his house? Food. Ice cream, soda, milk, eggs, leftovers... But once he's gone from there, it's pretty much the same as Ichabod's answer: anything he wants to buy for 99 cents. His bedroom floor has dirty clothes and textbooks strewn across it. His nightstand is pretty bare, save for a picture of him and Jordan playing paintball. His garbage can has...I dunno...tissues and Snickers wrappers in it?
• Look at your character’s feet. Describe what you see there. Does he wear dress shoes, gym shoes, or none at all? Is he in socks that are ratty and full of holes? Or is he wearing a pair of blue and gold slippers knitted by his grandmother?
Ned wears these shoes: I just know those are his shoes.
• When your character thinks of his childhood kitchen, what smell does he associate with it? Sauerkraut? Oatmeal cookies? Paint? Why is that smell so resonant for him?
Freshly baked cookies. It sticks with him because that's what Lori and Andy's kitchen always smells like. That couple adores cookies. It's a wonder they're not fat.
• Your character is doing intense spring cleaning. What is easy for her to throw out? What is difficult for her to part with? Why?
Anything he throws out is easy for him to throw out. Ned only cleans his half of the bedroom; the half that belonged to Jordan has stayed the same since Jordan died. Ned dusts it and shit, of course, so it's not gross or anything, but he doesn't throw anything away or make Jordan's bed.
• It's Saturday at noon. What is your character doing? Give details. If he's eating breakfast, what exactly does he eat? If he's stretching out in his backyard to sun, what kind of blanket or towel does he lie on?
Before Ichabod came along: Ned is possibly sitting on the roof or in the backyard swinging in the hammock. He might be wandering around the mall just for something to do. Once Ichabod comes along: probably sitting the passenger's seat of Ichabod's truck, pondering his life or getting onto Ichabod and Kerrington for bickering like children. If it's a good day, they might be at a rest area chilling out in the truck bed and getting junk food from the vending machines.
• What is one strong memory that has stuck with your character from childhood? Why is it so powerful and lasting?
Just the good times with Jordan. It's powerful and lasting because Jordan was his best friend, and Jordan was slowly becoming more like him - the whole brain thing, I mean. Ned could relate to him that way, not feel alien like he does with everyone, even Lori and Andy.
• Your character is getting ready for a night out. Where is he going? What does he wear? Who will he be with?
Assuming a "night out" means something fun...Ned doesn't have nights out. He's sort of a loser, remember? He doesn't get invited to nights out.
And the second one...
# How do you feel about your family, now that you’re an adult?
My family is Lori and Andy, and still Jordan, and I love them very much. Even though I still feel really suckishly separate from them, and I was getting so close with Jordan. Still, I love them a lot. I'm kind of glad Lori and Andy will forget about me after a while; they won't hurt for long.
# What do you want from life?
Uh...more life. I've had far too many near-death experiences than I'm comfortable with.
# If you were granted three wishes, what would you ask for?
I want to know what's wrong with my head, and if I can fix it. I want Ichabod and Kerrington to stay safe. I want Ichabod to stop moving the fuck around when Kerrington tells him to stay still, because I'm sick of him breaking his stitches and bleeding all over the goddamn place and then going, "SHUT UP I'M FINE." Is he going to read this? I hope so. Are you reading this, Icky? You're an IDIOT. LISTEN TO KERRINGTON WHEN SHE'S FIXING YOU. SHE KNOWS WHAT THE FUCK SHE'S TALKING ABOUT YOU STUPID--God.
# What three things would you take to a Desert Island?
A volleyball. One that doesn't float away when I make a raft in the middle of a storm.
# What, in the outside world, is preventing you from getting it?
Getting...a volleyball? Well I mean...we don't need one. I'm not actually on an island.
# What, in yourself, is preventing you from getting it?
...the hell?
# What must happen before you overcome this?
You know what? Forget the volleyball. Wilson is a stupid name, anyway.
# In your relationship with others, how are you different with family than you are with friends? Why?
I let Lori and Andy take care of me. They're like parents. Also, there's the whole brain differences. With Ichabod and Kerrington, we're all taking care of each other. Ichabod's sort of in charge of our little trio, but he gets himself hurt all the time, which is when Kerrington and I take care of him. When I get hurt, he and Kerrington take care of me. Kerrington gets hurt, we take care of her. Then there's the other things, the little things. Kerrington is only 15, after all, so she needs an adult every now and then. Her mind isn't like mine and Ichabod's all the time, so we have to watch out for her sometimes. And Ichabod, I don't know what's with him. He has issues, dude. A week after I went with him, he started waking up screaming at night. It still happens sometimes, but he calms down once he knows I'm there. I think he's got issues with abandonment? And me...I dunno, Kerrington fusses over me anyway, and Ichabod flips his shit if I so much as sprain my ankle. I guess I'm their little damsel in distress, which is stupid, because Kerrington is the only girl and she's the ditzy helpless cheerleader half the time...
# How do you fall in love? At first sight? Over a long period?
Um...well, I don't know if I'm the best person to ask...but love at first sight is crap, I'll tell you that.
# What parts of loving come easy for you? Hard?
Huh? Well, um...shit, I don't know. I guess all parts of loving someone is easy. How can it be hard? Sure, it can be painful, but the love part comes easily. It's not like you can control who your heart beats faster around. Fuck, this is weird. You know, I don't want Ichabod to see this, after all.
# How do you decide if you can trust someone? Experience with others? with this person? First impressions? Intuition? Do you test the person somehow? Or are you just generally disposed to trust or not to trust?
The only people I trust are Ichabod and Kerrington, and I trusted Ichabod from the start just because he thinks like me. How could I not? It's not like I was going to let the first person I've ever met who was like me just disappear because of something like "trust." It was more of a matter of...not really digging the solitude.
# When you walk into a room, what do you notice first? Second?
If it's clean or not. Second, if it's big enough. I hate cramped spaces. Weensy little rooms piss me off.
# When you walk into a room, what do you expect people to notice about you?
Well, at school, people just noticed that I was the weird Ned kid. Now...nobody knows who I am, so they don't care.
# Describe yourself to me.
Um. Compassionate? Hard-headed? Ichabod would call me an asshole, probably, but that would just be because I let Kerrington drive his truck that one time while I was keeping him from bleeding to death. Fuck you, Ichabod, you fucking love me, you prick.
# Is one sense more highly developed than another? (Are you more visual, or audial, etc, or do you rely on the famous sixth sense?)
Did I mention the whole brain thing?
# Did you turn out the way you expected? The way your parents predicted?
That would be a no to both.
# What really moves you, or touches you to the soul?
Kerrington, when her brain is sharp. And Ichabod's clinginess, sorta. I shouldn't be "touched to the soul" or any of that shit when he panics at night 'cause he thinks I'm gone, but fuck it, I feel needed and that's awesome.
# What's the one thing you have always wanted to do but didn't/couldn't/wouldn't? What would happen if you did do it?
Find out what my parents have been up to since I ran away. I'd be irrationally disappointed if I found out for certain that they've long since forgotten me. I know that they have, but I'm not gonna go confirm it.
# What do you consider are your strengths?
I think I'm a pretty solid person.
# What do you consider are your weaknesses?
Gummy bears.
# What is one physical attribute you are proud of?
Er...I guess my...eyes? They're nice, I suppose?
# What one physical attribute would you change?
Look, I'm really not concerned with how I look.
# What do you consider your special talent?
I'm a pretty fast runner and I can carry heavy loads?
# What do you wish your special talent was?
# What are you most proud of about your life?
Nothing. Sounds bleak, but it's true.
# What's the worst thing you've ever done? Why?
Told Ichabod I was leaving. I was lying, of course, but it was like I'd just murdered his puppy, good lord.
# Describe your ideal mate.
Somebody who doesn't hate me. I'm not picky.
# What are you most afraid of?
Losing Ichabod and Kerrington.
# What's the most important thing in your life? What do you value most?
Uh...Ichabod and Kerrington. For God's sake, ask something different, they're going to think I'm obsessed with them.
# How do you feel about your life right now? What, if anything, would you like to change?
My life? Not that great. I'd like to, uh, be normal. Yeah.
# If you could be an animal, what would it be?
A bird, maybe. No, a hawk. NO, A FUCKING FALCON.