Weekend and pregnancy dream

Jul 21, 2008 01:16

Come to the apartment after a lovely weekend. (I feel weird saying MY apartment, since the roomie is back and it is OUR apartment... hahaha)

Anyhoo, sister turned 18 today. Yay sister! Although it wasn't the most active of birthday parties since she is recovering from surgery

**Quick sister update. About 3 weeks ago she had surgery where she had about a 10 inch incision across her hip, had her leg dislocated from her hip, bones reshaped to fit better, put back together and had 2 GIANT bolts put in so it will all heal in place. Everything went smoothly, no complications and now begins the recovery**

So yah, the best of the best showed up for the shindig. No drama+Porto's cake=WIN!!!

We have this family friend who is like the funniest person EVAR!!! God he makes me laugh...

Everyone chunti-gambled (meaning they played loteria *Brown people bingo* and some game with a dreidel...except NOT Jewish...hahahaha) I lost all the change in my fat little coin purse...*GURGLES* That is why I DON'T gamble... hahaha I LOVE having change at all times. Now I only have 3 pennies... *sad*

I had so much fun this weekend. Just relaxing with my family, watching all kinds of movies, catching up my relatives with my life. My "uncle" (he's not really my uncle by blood or marriage but I love that guy) has displayed great interest in my life and that makes me feel special and interesting. It's nice talking to an older father-like figure in a relaxed setting like that, I'm gonna go to him with all my girly daughter problems now. Since he never had a daughter (only 2 sons) I'm sure he'll love the challenge!

But on Saturday I had the CRAZIEST dream! And it went a little something like this ->

So in the dream I was just a little bit..... pregnant.... hahahaha

The baby daddee? Well I'll keep that bit to myself... haha. But's that's not important anyways. Sperm is sperm... hahaha

But yah, I told mother about the future grandchild. She was actually really really excited!!! Her and Auntie went all grandbaby crazy and went madly shopping for everything the tot would need. Um, she kind of forgot all about me in the frenzy... and the fact that I was an unwed young mother to be... hahaha... she got the grandma fever. She asked who the Baby Daddee be... I told her I would tell her later, after I told him (but really I didn't wanna tell her because I knew she would be PISSED when she found out it was HIM.....hahaha she just does not like him...) But during the whole dream I was contemplating having an abortion. I just had so much going on in my life and wasn't sure if it was alright to have the baby. Plus the baby was kind of the product of a crazy drunken night with the guy and I wasn't sure how I felt about that. Oh yah and my dad was totally disapointed throughout the entire dream, whatever Fat Man.

The part that freaked me out the most was the whole abortion thing. I had never given the subject much thought since the topic of abortion has never really affected my life. But I just kept wodering how I would react if this situation were to arise. I know that I am definitely not in the place in life to have a baby and when I do have one I would like for it to come into a stable, established family, not into a life of an indecisive college student who still prefers a Hot Pocket to a cooked meal (not for taste but for cooking convenience)

It cracked me up how my mom and Auntie got all crazy excited in the dream and didn't have time to lecture me on my sex-crazed irresponsibility... it was cute. Too bad Mother and Auntie won't get to be Grandma's at the same time in real life since Auntie has 2 grandbabies already and I am nowhere near ready to have children, so mother is gonna have to wait aWHILE! Mother still talks about how she and Auntie could have been Grannies at the same time if I had just gotten with whats-his-face.... Ummm mom? The guy may not be related to me by blood, but that kid is the closest thing I have to an older brother.... it would have been weird... hahahah mothers....

Although I'm not sure why I'm thinking about babies so much... ummm I need a MAN first....

Shoot I don't even want kids... hahaha... I blame all the pre-menopausal women in my life who get all sappy when they see a baby... they were all over the place this weekend. And since it was my sister's birthday, they all decided to remind themselves of how old I am and why I'm not "settling down"

Ummmmmmmmmm I don't settle down bc I'm awesome and trying to make something of my life.

...all my cousins with the cute kids... they're dumbasses....high school is not an accomplishment ladies... it's a small step in a bigger picture....

Am I the only one who thinks this?

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