R20: Money

Jan 21, 2009 18:15

Title: Money
Characters: Bashou, Buson (Sebastian and Domino are mentioned.)
POV: Buson
Notes: Hardy, hardy ha... But raise your hand if you've ever found yourself in their situation.

“Hah! We get a day off!”

“Indeed- finally!”



“Finally, today no missions!”

“No organizing, no paperwork war, no training.”



We both stop and look at each other and break into grins.

“No work today!”

“Finally a holiday.”

We keep walking, then stop.

“So… What do… We do now?” I ask.

“Well, we don’t really have anything to do, since it’s our day off…”

We both stop at this prospect. “The entire day off.”

“Yes. We do,” my partner says.

“So. What do we do now?”

There’s a good reason he’s the decision-maker, not me. “Train at the gym,” he says immediately. “Oh. Wait, it is our day off, isn’t it?”

“Yeah.” I exhale. “It is.”

“We…” He thinks. “We… Come on, we’re going to town.”

“What are we supposed to be doing?” I ask. Leave it to Bashou so I don’t have to think.

“I… We’re walking in the city,” he snaps. “Look. Let’s go shopping. That’s what the others do on their days off.”

So we go shopping.

Of course I’m just following along as Bashou leafs through price tags and sizes. I just hang out and try not to act bored.

“What do you think of this one? Or this one?” He holds up two identical shirts.

“One on the right,” I say automatically without looking.

“You’re not even looking!” he snaps.

“Can’t help it. I’m bored.” To make a point, I yawn loudly without covering my mouth.

My partner thinks for a while, then eyes the price tags and scowls. “Me too. Let’s go. There aren’t any good sales right now.” He drops the clothes in a pile on the floor and strides out the door, not bothering to see if I’m following him.

But of course I am.

“So… What does the Professor do on his day off?” I ask.

“He works.”

“Oh.” I begin to grin but realize he wasn’t joking. “Yeah, you know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him on break…”

“You have. Just that his break is the same as his work.”

I huff and polish my sunglasses again.

“Don’t do that. You’ll scratch them.”

“Yes, Mom,” I mutter. “So… What does… What does the Domino kid do?”

“I have absolutely no idea.”

I can’t resist a prod. “You’re admitting that you don’t know every in the world, eh, eh?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Hah, hah, hah!”

“And you are just proving that you are a moron,” he grumbles.

I kick a chunk of pavement. “So… What do we do now?”

“Ah, the eternal question. Good thing normally I have an answer.” He closes his eyes for a moment. “What do we do now?”

“I’m hungry.”

“We just ate a few hours ago.”

“Exactly! I’m hungry.” I wonder what the cafeteria’s cooking up today- might not be pot roast, but there’s bound to be something nice!

“Well, we can’t go back to the cafeteria for food…”

I stop. “Huh? Why not?”

My partner gives me a slow, steely look as if he considers me a total imbecile who can’t count past his fingers. “Because,” Bashou says slowly, “We are on break.”

“Oh.” Dunno what it was to do with it, though. “Well, okay. So… Where do we find some grub? Hey! Vending machines!” I rush over to promising-looking one.

“No, vending machines are a rip-off. A dollar-fifty for that little thing? Come on. You can stand a little while without food, wimpy.”

No! But… “Aww, c’mon Bunnyboy, it’s just a buck-half,” I wheedle. Why does he get to carry the money? “C’mon, I’m hungry!”

“No, it’s a rip-off!” Bashou snaps. “Come on already.”

“Can’t I just have a bag of chips?”

“A dollar-fifty, you mean? No! Money doesn’t grow on trees!”

“Neither do chips!” I cry. “Come on!”

“My God, the cafeteria has these for only-“ He stops. “Oh yeah. We’re on break, aren’t we?”

“So can I have chips?”

“No. Let’s find a cheaper machine- my God. Two dollars? Where did this hyperinflation come from?”

“See? That’s the cheapest-“

“Exactly. Come on, Buson.”

“What? Where are we going?”

“Back to base. This break wasn't so fun after all.”

buson, domino, bashou, 20, team rocket, lavelventine's fics, sebastian

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