100. Writer's Choice

Jan 07, 2009 20:39

It's been a really long time since I've written something for rocket100, so here we go!

Also, after this, I only have 17 prompts left. :)

Let's see, I'll rate it PG-13 for the use of some strong language. Enjoy.

100. Crazy (writer’s choice)

“ Everyone, take off your belts.”

It was an extremely bizarre command, but the boys and the girl didn’t hesitate to comply. Had the blonde known that the belts, including his very own, would later be used as restraints, he certainly wouldn’t have been so obedient. Buson had been purposefully kept oblivious to the carefully calculated plan that was beginning to unfold in front of him.

Professor Sebastian removed his own belt first, and soon following that four more leather straps were draped across the palm of his hand. He chuckled a little when he had them all, it was a deep, flat ‘hm hm hmmm’ kind of laugh, and that was when Buson first suspected that something was wrong. In an extreme act of treachery that would damage the camaraderie between them for months to come, everyone else in the room, even Bashou, knew what was happening. The real kicker, he would later find out, was that Bashou was the mastermind behind the whole thing.

“ Well?” the blonde asked. “ What’s up?”

He found himself being cornered, and his eyes shifted nervously from side to side as he backed up a couple of steps.

“ What is up, my pet,” the professor began, “ is that we’re doing you a service.”

“ Service? …Bashou?” Buson looked to his partner, who said nothing. It could have been his imagination, but he thought he detected a glimmer of guilt. Still, Bashou seemed dead set on backing him into the corner like the rest of them. “ Tyson? Ria? …Doc?”

“ You’ll hate me for it.” Sebastian seemed to genuinely regret something. “ And you’ll still hate me for it in the morning. But in the long run, you’ll thank me.”

“ What the hell is going on?!” Buson barked. Bashou’s refusal to talk and the doctor’s downright creepiness was making him rather angry. Also, scared.

“ Now.”

The blonde found himself being jumped by four seemingly insane motherfuckers. It was a nightmare.


“ ARE YOU NUTS?!” Buson bellowed at the top of his lungs.

He was bound to a rickety wooden chair, a belt around the shoulders, around the each wrist, and around each ankle. It was largely thanks to Tyson that they had even succeeded in this endeavor. When Buson really put up a fight, Bashou was little match because of his size. Ria had been no help at all, and the professor hadn't even bothered.

“ Will you relax?” Sebastian looked down his nose at his struggling employee, as if Buson were acting very silly right now. “ I’m a doctor.”

“ You’re not a goddamn person doctor.”

As a matter of fact, the last of Sebastian’s doctorly duties Buson had witnessed was when he’d tried to make a two-headed Persian to doubly please the Boss. It was a drunken joke and a Frankenstein of a sin against nature, and now suddenly Buson felt very sick.

The professor disappeared for a moment as the other three came a bit closer. Tyson joked with Ria that they shouldn't stick their fingers near its mouth and their teammate growled with rage.

“ I tried multiple times to get you to go to the dentist, and you wouldn’t do it.” Bashou spoke as if trying to justify this awesome cruelty. Buson scowled at him. “ If you had listened to me, I wouldn’t have had to ask the professor to do this. We decided the best way to get you to cooperate would be to ambush you in the middle of a mission, when you’d least expect it.”

“ That part was my idea!” Ria chimed in. Tyson non-discreetly elbowed her in the chest to let her know she wasn’t helping things right now.

“ Alright. ” Sebastian was back, pushing through the other three so that Buson sat, bound in his shadow. He was brandishing a pair of pliers that looked as if they had been sitting unused for who knew how long in this slapdash cabin. “ Let us begin.”

There was another variety of his sinister laugh and Buson made a failed attempt to hop away from him in the chair.

“ Oh, I don’t think so.” Sebastian drug it back into its original position. “ You have an abcessed tooth. If we don’t act now, you could lose your entire jaw. You don’t want to lose your entire jaw, do you Buson?”

“ As a matter of fact, yes I freakin’ do.”

“ Funny boy.”

Buson thought for a moment that the professor was going to step on his face, but he only nudged the chair with his foot so it fell back into a reclining position against the counter behind the sitting prisoner. As if on cue the other three left the room and the blonde wished a thousand curses upon his partner. Every awful thing that could have possibly happened to Bashou was happening to him inside of Buson’s head as the professor urged him not to fret, for he would be gentle.

In a move that resembled something from a tango, Sebastian was on top of him and manipulated the pliers in a menacing way. He grabbed Buson’s bangs in an effort to force him to keep his head still.

" If I can't talk you out of this doc, you could at least give me some booze to loosen me up." it was a pitiful plea.

“ Don’t be such a...what is it that Bashou calls you? Some kind of flower...oh yes, a pansy. It’s not as if I’ve never pulled a tooth before. Houndoom, human, what's the difference, really? A tooth is a tooth, I always say.”

“ Will this hurt?” Buson gulped. He already knew, but asking anyway was something of a reflex.

“ Like hell. But only for a few days.”

Come to think of it, a thousand curses upon Sebastian as well. That crazy bastard.

“ Say ‘ahhh’.”

buson, bashou, 100, oc, evilazurill's fics, tyson, sebastian

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