Sep 19, 2006 16:11
1. Loyalty
This was the one, he thought. For a good length of time, Giovanni had been wondering if it'd existed- the perfect agent. And he was pretty sure he was looking at it.
This one had no problem staying completely behind him. His loyalty was completely unmatched. He didn't talk behind his back, never complained or asked for a raise. He was constantly there, and the only thing he ever asked in return was an occasional dish of milk, and maybe a scratch behind the ears.
Persian meowed, curious as to why his human was looking at him so wistfully.
"Oh, nothing, Persian."
Giovanni sighed. Why couldn't they ALL be Persian?
2. Mask
"Heh... isn't it perfect?" James admired his selection with a sly grin.
Jessie and Meowth both exchanged funny looks.
"Um... Look, I know how much you like Halloween, James, but aren't you a bit old to be dressing up at this point?" Jessie asked, mortified.
"What are you talking about? You even said last night you're never too old to have a little fun..."
"Yeah, but as a Meowth?" she asked, trying to ignore the puzzled bystanders watching the bizzare argument. She snatched the mask out of James's hands. "I mean, look at this, it's so cheap..."
"Not to mention an insult to our species," Meowth quipped, a little annoyed. "I don't really look like dat, do I, Jimmy?"
"NOBODY ASKED YOU!" the two snarled at him, as he backed down.
"Aww, please Jess?" James whined. "It's only one night, you know..."
Jessie sighed. "Fine," she replied, exasperated. "But you're NOT wearing that dress," she snapped, pointing at the witch costume he'd found earlier.
James sighed. It was Jessie's Halloween party, after all, he supposed.
Reluctantly, he returned the ragged black dress to the shelf.
3. Dreams
They came every night... unpleasant ones.
She wasn't sure what they meant, but they were there... The bugs. She was surrounded by them. Big ones. Scyther on all sides, their long, shining blades threatening to eviscerate her.
And when it looked like all hope was lost, she'd come back from behind, just like she always did, ready to fight them off. And fight them off she did. Without even breaking a sweat, actually. The same thing every night.
The Scyther weren't the problem though. In her short 16 years on earth, she'd seen worse. Deaths, sometimes at her own hands. A couple of blade armed beasts? Not a problem.
No, it was what happened afterward that bothered her. After the bugs... it all blacked out.
Darkness. Just like what was happening now.
Domino woke from her sleep, terrified. She'd heard tales of people foretelling their own demise through a dream... still, something gave her the impression that this wasn't the future she was seeing.
Every time she'd had that dream, she'd had an odd case of deja vu. Like she'd actually been in that situation, in reality, before.
She consoled herself the same way she did every night. That's ridiculous, she told herself silently. I've never even been wherever that always happens.
Part of her feared she was wrong.
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