Title: Inadequecy: A Confession
Characters: Giovanni, Pearl
POV: Pearl
Notes: Draws quite a lot from Psychoanalysis.
First thing he didn’t want anyone to know about him is that he’s as insecure like a little lost lamb. I’m pretty sure it has to do majorly with his mother, the old Team Rocket boss woman. He has mommy issues if anyone ever did! But to tell the truth, if anyone’s to get major issues it’s him. It’s no surprise he turned out the way he did.
He’s near seven feet of muscle, fit as anyone half his age, and with those huge juicy shoulders you can just rub all night. He can manage a business empire, order an execution, blackmail world governments, snap a man’s neck with his bare hands, and skin a goat. He can identify a cheese’s specie and its location of production by its smell alone. He can stare a CEO down and make a president grovel with a twitch of his lips. He’s the greatest man I’ve ever known. But before we head off to like a gala or event or something, he keeps on coming into my room, asking things like, does the bowtie match, does the tuxedo look right, does his hair look all right, does he look all right overall? I’m always thinking, you have like one or three hundred of thousands at your fingertips. You’re really waiting for me to pat you on the head and tell you you’re a good boy?
No one wants to hear me go on and on and sexing him up and all, but I do say- well, maybe I shouldn’t say, but hey, it was enough to hook me on our first night, wasn’t it? Sometimes I come in and he’s sitting on the bed naked with his great long penis in his hands. He’s always frowning and looking at it and saying it’s ugly, it makes him feel ugly and stupid he’s ugly and stupid, so on, and then he just wrinkles up his forehead and shakes it around a bit and mutters that it’s ugly. And then I just tell him, look, isn’t that what a penis is supposed to look like? Besides, I’m not staring at it when it’s shoved up me. And then he just starts sighing again and measures it with his hands. I’ve already said he was insecure. And what’s that one thing that most men are insecure about? He looks to me and asks me if his penis is too small. I’m always surprised. I’m squinting at the big meaty thing and just say that twelve inches is damn well good enough for anyone. And then when he has one hand up my crack but he’s trying but can’t get up as fast as he did thirty years ago he just get frustrated and goes to take a shower instead.
The hardest thing I think is that he’s so proud of no one knowing he’s insecure. I know what other people see. And he keeps it up extraordinary I say. Everything about him just screams “OBEY ME!” He’s a mountain! You cannot deny him. If you don’t give in, he overwhelms you like a tsunami on a small fishing boat. You don’t find any other man like him, no one. Just sitting next to him you get sucked in. There’s just something about him that even when he’s sitting quietly you absolutely cannot refuse him.
Yep. You can’t tell looking at him or his actions or whatever. Until he comes up to you and ask what you think of his penis at least.