R57: Fate

Jul 10, 2008 23:44

Title: Fate or Boys
Characters: Toby and Toby
Notes: I like this one! So sweet.

“M’name’s Toby. Can I sit down?”

“Sure. I’m Toby too.”

“This your lunchbreak?”

“Yeah. Sorta.” He uncrumples his stained paperbag and peers inside. “Don’t have much for lunch though. It’s all gone soggy. Ick.”

The other takes out his own bag. “Same. I got ham and cheese. You?”

“Peanut butter and jelly. Trade?”



The bench is baked from the sun and mottled with bird droppings, but the day is clear and young boys are hearty creatures. They exchange sandwiches and eat in companionable silence.

“I didn’t want to wait in the cafeteria ‘cause the line was so long. So I had to bring my own food from the dorms.”

“Yeah. Me too. I always get cut in line anyways.”

“Yeah! And the big guys just like shove you out of the way and bring like a hundred of their buddies in with them and before you know it you’re getting your tray and break’s over.”

“And break’s so short too! And if they catch you eating on the job they confiscate your snacks and yell at you.”

“It’s annoying. That bag of chips was almost full too.”

“My boss gets to eat any time she wants! She even has a box of biscuits and chocolates on her desk and she’s always snacking on them and no one yells at her!”

“Huh! Just because they get a bigger salary than you doesn’t mean that they can just skip the rules like that!”



“Right in front of me too! ‘Toby, brings these papers to the Boss,’ she tells me, and she’s like downing three biscuits at once! And I’m starving!”

“And it’s never yucky cafeteria food either. Something gourmet and fancy.”

“Like Cannoli.”

“Like beef Wellington.”

They both consider the cannoli and beef for a moment before sighing and pulling the crusts of their sandwiches to feed the birds. Before long there is a small crowd of pigeons waddling around the bench.

“I got an apple.” He turns it around in his hand before adding, “it’s sorta bruised and stuff though.”

“I got an orange. A bit of mold on the top but nothing bad.”

“That’s nice- trade?”

“Sure, thanks!”


They swap fruits and begin eating.

“What time is it?”

“’leven ‘orty-ive.”

“Darn it. Lunch is already half-over.”

“Yeah. They should really give us longer breaks.”



He throws orange peels at a pigeon before thinking. “You know, I come to this park everyday and I’ve never seen you before.”

“No, I come here everyday too!”

“This same place?”

“Yeah. But I normally sit on the bench over there.” He points to another bench a few yards away. “I never notice anyone else.”

“Me neither.”

“And I get lost.”

“I still use my trainee map to get around,” he confides.

“Me too. I mean, I can’t tell when to turn left, or like turn right, or anything.”

He opens the paper bag and frowns. “Do you like oatmeal raisin?”

“Better than I like cranberry walnut.”

“Wanna trade cookies?”

“Sure. Thanks.”

They switch cookies and peel off the plastic wrap and eat.

“You know, I shouldn’t be saying this, but you won’t tell anyone, right?”

“Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye.”

“Okay. Well, my boss is an executive, right? A right-there CEO. Well, yeah. I think I’m in love with her.”

“Bet she’s cool.”

“Yeah. Really cool. She makes me do boring stuff all day though.”

“Yeah. My boss too. I like her a bunch but I don’t like mopping or cleaning windows or anything.”

“You know, I got this job to get like excitement and stuff. I mean, it’s a good job, but I never get to do anything!”

“Me neither!”

“I wanted to like do cool stuff and like get sent around the world to get stuff like in the movies.”

“Yeah. And I wanted to like be cool and like fight people and get on TV.”

“We’ll get there someday.”

“Yeah! When I do I’ll call you and we can go to some weird jungle in search of treasure.”

“When I get there I’ll call you and we can go tracking down like missing presidents and stuff.”

They both sit back in a sociable way and watch the pigeons take off one by one.

“It’s noon.”

“Yeah. Lunch is over now I guess.”

“Darn. I’m still hungry.”

“Me too.”

“I’ll just wait until dinner.”

“I hope they have something good for dinner. Last time they just used leftovers for everything. It was really gross.”


“Yeah. I felt sick after eating the fuzzy bits too.”

“Disgust-o-rific! Once at dinner some guy in a white coat came in yelling that his test samples got mixed up in with the casserole or something.”

“Crazy dude.”


They both sit back again and stare up at the sky. The pigeons take off to another bench with more pickings available.

“I gotta get back now.”

“Me too.”

“Meetcha tomorrow here?”

“Sure! I’ll be here tomorrow too. Maybe I can get a better lunch.”

“I’ll try sneak out one of my boss’s cakes.”

“That’ll be so cool. Bye!”


They walk out the park together then split off to opposite streets.

One Toby heads back to the Team Rocket base as a grunt. The other Toby returns to the police station as a cadet.

Boys are hearty creatures. They will meet again tomorrow.

team rocket, oc, 57, lavelventine's fics

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