Sep 09, 2007 12:17

it was everything i wanted it to be after a year of not seeing them and after there new cd came out. Im sooo happy.

allyse and i left really late at liek 5:30 the doors were supposed to open at 7 we got down there at like 6ishy and they didnt open the doors until 7:30. we got in there got right on the stage because it was at the shelter which is probably my favorite place to go.
the first band that played was a local band and they were kind of alright kind of not really good. okay i said it they werent really good. hahaha.
thennnn the second band was envy on the coast. they were good i think most people were there to see them. reminder go listen to them.
then treos came on at like 10 i think. it was completely just i dont even know any words. allyse and i were standing in front of nate and he likes to dance so we danced with him a lot. and i kept going YEAHH during the concert how lil jon does it and brendan said keep doing it thats amazing and nate kept going WHAT haaha okay anyways they played i think four songs off of their new album which were outstanding.
they finished the set i grabbed the set list and then they came back on to do planning a prison break which was amazing.
there was a good sized crowd there to see them. but in the front row it was like four young girls and five hot guys behind me and allyse. me and allyse were rocking out and these girls were looking at us like we were morons so i started jumping on them during the last song. ha. andd the boys behind us were molesting us. it was scary/nice what?
they finished playing and nate did this kiss thumbs up weird thing towards us? it was weird
aftter that we stood around waiting for them and nate came straight over to us and was like heyy my dancing girlls. we took pictues and i talked to him about how over the last YEAR i have been waiting for them to come back and he was like see thats a damn long time. and i told him it was alright because the cd is totally amazing. and we talked a little more and then i got a picture with brendan too and then we left.
it was just a complete like release after all this shit with work and school i needed that concert to just forget about everything for an hour. it was everything i needed.
as we were leaving i saw this boy and i said hi because he was a cutie and then i saw him again as we were driving away and we were at a stop sign and i was like heyy and he smiled and he had to of been on drugs because he decided it was a good idea to put his hands down his pants and pull out his dick. allyse and i almost peed our pants laughing. that was the most disturbing thing ever.

heres some pictures and a video
swallow people whole video:

and pictures:

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