pirating software and other happy pastimes

Nov 30, 2008 16:21

It snowed big, fluffy flakes today. Suddenly covering everything (including us, during our short walk to the car). Before we even went outside, before I knew it was snowing, I felt a surge of positive vibes. I've been really, really down. Not necessarily sad but motivation/interest/cheerful mood-- all totally absent. I always know I'll come out of it but sometimes it takes so long that I forget to hold onto that and I'm surprised and relieved when I feel the clouds start to clear.

Anyway, I took a photo out of my living room window when I got back from dropping A. off. That led to me finally installing Photoshop again. It took forever too. I have these old CS2 discs--one that Jh made me and one that I made (I think?) and one is the Mac version (score! I didn't know I had this) and one is for PC. Anyway, I had to do all this weird shit to get it to open, THEN had to find the old keygen I used to use. Also my computer was being a dick. All of this took probably an hour and a half if not more. But I stuck it out and I have Photoshop again.

I especially need it because Allen randomly decided he wanted to do a photo Christmas card this year. I happily agreed to this idea. All I need to do now is decide where to position the three of us. Then decide if I want to get one of those photo card things made that have the photo & say Merry Christmas or whatever on it OR just put it in the cards we send. I don't really know who we'll send these to but I'm up for forcing them on everyone we possibly can. We seriously need to get this done though so I'm hoping tomorrow. I want to send them to any LJ friends who want them too :) but first I need to make sure we actually do this (because knowing us... who knows... ha.)

So, I kind of told myself last week as I skipped more classes, that I would try to swing back into gear after Thanksgiving. I'm about to feed Ron, finish up my online things, get some things together and head to campus to do some work. HOPEFULLY these things don't take too long as I didn't expect to spend so much time installing things today.

inside my head, photos, holiday, random, allen

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