
Nov 28, 2008 15:50

Thanksgiving was nice. My mom made a great dinner &John helped her. Although he put mushrooms in the stuffing he made and I wouldn't shut up about it. Not to him, but I was going on about it while we were eating... Tommy said, "man, John pisses off everyone in different ways."

We never eat at one big group b/c my mom's house and dining room table are pretty small. So, Tommy, Danielle, Allen and I ate together. My dad, Kim and John ate together. And as usual, my mom couldn't sit down until we had all eaten then she sat with us. Her own doing, I kept telling her to sit down but she wouldn't.

After dinner we drew names. We decided last year to give gifts this way so we don't have to buy everyone a gift and since there are no kids in my family, this is the way to go. We all still buy gifts for our significant others and stuff (so we make sure we don't pick them.) We also write down things we want. I had a hard time thinking of less expensive gifts I wanted. Danielle was telling me how she and Tommy were going shopping at 2 because she found a good deal on a digital camera. I asked her what time I'd have to be there to make sure they hadn't run out because it was all I needed in a point & shoot for like $60. So, she says "sometime around 2 should be good."

Then today, I'm talking to my mom at 4 (just now) and I said, "I didn't go get that camera."

"I didn't think you would."

[Pause] "Wait. Did she go at two in the morning?"


"Oh my god there's no way I would have gone then!"

After my sister took John home so he could go to bed (ha) we played a couple games of Yahtzee. We're all pretty into Yahtzee. I won a game. Sometimes I have moments where I'm sitting with my family and I feel really happy... I never really felt that as a kid (I was always happy as a young child) but now I appreciate it more and I'm aware in that way and it makes it different.

My parents, my sister, Tommy and I were on some vacation. We were staying in a nice hotel with many many floors. My dad and I were in the elevator and he hits floor #3.

"Three?! Why didn't you get something much higher up?" He then proceeds to try to get us a higher room but they don't have any so we settle. This isn't something my dad would normally do... Try to switch rooms when it's easier to just go stay in the one we already have.

So we're wandering around the hotel later and my Danielle is there now. We're going somewhere and she tells me that Tom is waiting for me in the parking lot (too many people I know have the same name). So, I follow her out there and Tom is standing there and he's like.. Probably nine feet tall. I stop in front of him and I have to literally put my head all the way back to see him. We smile at each other. I'm incredibly aware of him height but I'm happy to see him. We walk away together (the three of us) and the scene ends.

Later, I'm coming up to the hotel and I'm headed to a different room to visit someone. I knock on a door and a man answers. I don't know him in real life. All I really remember is that he was black, cocky and drinking something. He pulls me into his room and the scene ends again.

Again, I'm walking to someone's room. This time Gru (a character from Angel, played by Mark Lutz) opens the door. And I'm so excited to see him. I throw my arms around his neck and we kiss for a long time. Apparently we're deeply in love. I woke up at this point and it felt so cozy. I love when I fall in love with people in dreams that I never would in real life. I'm not even remotely attracted to this guy. Was in the dream though.

family, holiday, dreams

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