Jan 06, 2007 23:58
100. First off, what is your name? jill.
99. Why were you named that? my mom thought "jillian" was a pretty name.
98. Who is your best friend? I have a couple of those.
97. Do you have any siblings? a male creature that lives across the hall.
95. Favorite color? blue.
93. What does the 7th message in your text inbox say? "that's good to hear"
92. What about the 11th? "sounds like a plan"
91. Who sits behind you in 4th period? the lovely taylor.
90. Who sits to the left of you in 1st? mrs. principe's desk.
89. Where is your mom right now? asleep in her bed.
88. Do you have any kids? no.
87. Who is the 5th person you got a missed call from? joel.
86. Closest black object? ink pen.
85. Closest silver object.? flute.
84. Have you ever jumped a fence running from a cop? sure haven't.
83. Do you sing in the shower? I mostly just hum, but I occasionally bust it out.
82. Do you own any pets? a dog and two kitties.
81. How does your hair look right now? like it normally does, I guess.
80. Last time you listened to country music? probably the last time I was in the car with my mother.
79. Have you ever been to a concert? yes.
78. If you could kill someone, who? I couldn't ever kill anybody.
77. What are your fears? spiders.
76. Do you still pee your pants? I don't think I ever have before.
75. Do you smoke weed? nasty.
74. How many drugs are in your system right now? none.
73. What kind of drunk are you? alcohol is gross.
72. What are you wearing? boxers and a cami.
71. Last person you commented? who knows!?
70. Do you sing? not around real people.
69. Indie or Hip Hop? both.
68. Screamo or Country? neither.
67. Rock or Rap? both, as long as the rap isn't extremely vulgar and/or gross.
66. Last person you sent naked pictures to? gross.
65. Who did you last call? amanda.
64. Who last called you? my father figure.
63. What jewelry do you wear daily? my watch and class ring.
62. Are you happy right now? content.
61. Who did you last say you loved? amanda when I left her house tonight.
60. Would you die for someone? most likely.
59. If so, who? I guess I'll find out when the situation arises.
58. Who did you hang out with last night? nobody. I slept.
57. What do you smell right now? air?
56. Do you have to pee right now? no.
55. What did you do last night? see number fifty-eight.
54. What are you doing today? today I worked on homework, practiced, and hung out with amanda. tomorrow will be more homework, and church.
53. What is the last movie watched? she's the man with amanda.
52. What song are you listening to? nothing.
51. Do you swear? I try not to.
50. Bedsheet color? blue and green stripes.
49. Wall color? sky blue.
48. Is there a lamp in the room? two of them, actually.
47. Do you cut yourself? I don't particularly enjoy pain, so no.
46. Wildest rumor you've ever heard about yourself? haha.
45. Do you have makeup on right now? yes.
44. Who do you like? my friends.
43. Are you shy? sometimes.
42. Your hero(s)? Jesus&friends.
41. Last alcoholic beverage you consumed? gross.
39. Earth or the moon? earth.
38. America or Canada? america speaks my language.
37. What makes you mad? an assortment of happenings.
36. What if you found out you were adopted? I'm too much like my father to be adopted.
35. Jeans or Sweatpants? jeans.
34.Who is the last person you dated? ian.
33. Name 5 things in the room: pictures. music. laptop. camera. phone.
32. Do you have socks on? no.
31. Do you own any big sunglasses?
30. Have you ever cried so hard you puked? can't say that I hav
29. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? a couple of times.
28. Black or White? both.
27. Hollister or Hot Topic? hollister.
26. Have you recently talked to an ex? yes.
25. Been dumped? yes.
24. Can you touch your toes? if I bend my knees. (:
23. Been in a dangerous situation? probably.
22. Favorite tv show? house.
21. Do you like 80's movies? they're movies, so, yes.
20. Been fired? I wish that I'd have a job to be fired from.
19. Worn someone elses underwear? that's gross.
18. Most embarrassing memory? I have a lot of those.
17. What kind of music do you like? a whole heck of a lot.
16. Believe in Ghosts? no.
15. Are you a crazy stalker? uh... no.
14. Best city you've visited? tokyo was pretty nifty from what I remember.
13. Been to London? nope.
12. Do you have any bad habits? doesn't everybody?
11. Fave subject at school? currently: everything, actually.
10. Been to college? does governor's school count?
9. Fave jello? that stuff freaks me out.
8. Fave actor/actress? I have about a handful.
7. Do you ever walk around the house naked? just in my underwear from time to time.
6. Ever shoplifted? no.
5. Fascinated by the macabre? the what?
4. Favorite holidays? Christmas. and any day that gets us out of school.
3. What are you looking forward to? january 27th.
2. Ever gotten lost in the dark? no.
1. Do you snore/talk/walk in your sleep? not that I'm aware of.