Title: When Will Life Become Smooth, Chapter 1
rockerblondeRating: PG-13 for this installment
Disclaimer: ATWT characters are the property of Telenext and CBS.
Word Count: 822
Summary: Reid gets some devastating news.
Note: Work-in-progress. Written for
theneid Lil' Bang 2013.
Reid sat in the apartment. Well, their apartment - but it didn’t really feel like their apartment. Reid knew it was theirs; he'd been living there for three months. He was all moved in, but it was all Noah’s furnishings. He really didn’t mind that he didn’t really have many belongings; that’s just how he was.
They had been together for a year, but they were not public. It wasn’t that they were in hiding. It was Noah’s father. Senator Winston Mayer believed that they should keep it quiet till the elections were done. He didn’t want Reid’s teaching career to be blown up by media and constantly followed.
Reid sat on the sofa with the TV on, his phone in his hand. It was just turning midnight. He knew Noah should be finished. He contemplated texting him to tell him to get home. But this was his work, and he was so involved with it. Reid sometimes wished that work didn’t come first, but it was Noah’s nature. He had done so much at the tender age of twenty-four. It was just a pain when Reid would get back to find a note saying he was heading off to the other side of the world.
But with Noah’s father being who he was, it had pushed Noah’s work and life to the forefront of everything Noah had hoped for. Noah had been thrown into the limelight. Reid watched as Noah was a natural in front of the cameras. Yet no one saw the sweet, romantic, caring side of Noah. The only other people to see Noah’s love and caring nature were his friends and animals.
Reid’s heart sank at the TV report.
Winston was sat in another meeting about the government he was pushing to win and govern, Illinois. He was happy that things were going well. He would never admit to people just how proud he was of his son. Noah was doing amazing work, and he couldn’t be prouder of him. Yet there would always be a small part of him that would have loved him to follow Winston into the army or government.
He was proud that his status could push Noah’s work into the public eye. He was not so happy about the press pushing into Noah’s life. It had made it difficult at times, with Noah's conquests being splashed across newspapers and magazines. That's why he was doing everything in his power to keep his son’s relationship quiet. He’d never seen his son as happy as he was with Reid.
“Sir, I think you need to listen to what's on TV.” Winston’s PA spoke.
“Look, we're busy here. I don’t have time,” Winston snapped.
“This is more important than work, sir,” the other man replied as he turned the TV on.
Breaking news
“We are reporting this to you as it happens,” the TV anchor began.
“Reports are coming in that there has been a major car crash. The car has been said to have left the Conservation Awards and Ball gala.”
“Hang on -- we are going live to the tunnel where it happened.”
“Thanks Jenny. I’m reporting to you from the scene. It is said the car was trying to outrace the media. All the facts are not known yet, but two males have been taken to hospital. One has been pronounced dead; the other is in critical condition,” Tom spoke.
Then the camera flashed over the wrecked car. It was nearly unrecognizable, the front half of the car crumbled, its side ripped off.
“Tom, can you tell us what happened inside the tunnel?” Jenny spoke.
“There are reports that the car caught the side and flipped over several times, slamming into the wall,” Tom spoke.
“Thank you Tom. We’ll keep you informed of any further news,” Jenny concluded.
Winston felt sick. He picked up his phone to scroll through the contacts, only to realize it was the wrong phone.
“Where the fuck is my private phone!” Winston bellowed.
Everyone in the room was in shock at his out outburst. They had never once heard him curse.
His PA ran off to find and bring the phone to him, until everyone stopped to listen to the TV.
“We have confirmed reports. The car was taking the notorious young playboy Noah Mayer back to his apartment. He has been taken to the hospital where he was rushed straight into surgery,” Jenny informed.
“It was his first public appearance since returning from South Africa.”
Reid's cell it up, and he saw it was Winston. He dropped his phone at the name as well as hearing his partner's name on the news.
Meanwhile, Winston sat in the car trying in vain to get in contact with Reid as he headed to the hospital.
Chapter 2