Mar 05, 2006 16:32
Last night i was on the fone with Tommy....first time everrrr! Lol his friend Jimmie was there too he's crazi. I was gonna hang out with him but didn't. Not my fault of his tho. BLaHneSS!! But he's so cute and wonder I liked him before he even started going out with Jaymeeee! Sheesh. And Brian Barely ever talks to me anymore so I really don't know what to do with him. And then Ernest has a gf now, I'm glad in a way...but still he always said he loved me a lot. Dunno guess the world hates me... Yep Pretty sure it does!
On top of all this drama shit, I have like not enough sources to do my Lit Analysis research paper! And then my dads even a worse person now. I hate it here. I can not w8 til summer. Just hope I don't die by then. But I will not be online like ever after I do move...because it will take awhile to get the wireless routers and stuff working for the other computers and my granny hates me being online cuz its "BAD". So, I guess I will end up lose'n weight...that way...haha. And having more of a life. And hopefully i'll have my lisence soon after that.
Blah. So full of drama....and confusion.
Just help me!
Or pull the trigger...<;3