If you notice anything OOC about the way I play my characters or have general questions about why I play them the way I do, please don't hesitate to bring your concerns to my attention! I'm always looking for ways to improve and I don't mind constructive criticism in the least. I just ask that is does remain constructive and not destructive. Also- please do not comment with just saying "play [insert character] moar" you're welcome to say it, but please add more too it than that (like what you like about how I play them, what you don't like, what I can work on etc.)
If you're afraid to tell me something, the option of anonymous commenting is always available. I have IP logging turned off.
I play:
Axel [
incendio_octa ]
Gokudera Hayato [
dunamis_storm ]
Klavier Gavin [
rocker_complex ]
Maka Albarn [
spirit_reader ]
Riku [
toward_dawn ]
as_bells_toll ]
Sophie Hatter [
witchofwords ]
While this will be posted on all of my journals, feel free to only reply to one.