Live Strong, Dance Hard! <3

Jan 25, 2007 12:13

I swear! you know you are a true dancer when you are doing anything random and out of nowhere you hear a song and a whole idea for a choreography shoots into your head! its creepy at times hah!. well yeah

My next solo... which will be performed on April [YOU ARE ALL INVITED AND I BETTER SEE YOU ALL THERE =)]
ok so anyway my idea is! [if i can ofcourse] borrow rubens projector have it hitting the back curtains of the stage and the stage floor filled with nelly's favorite flower and starting of with a picture of nelly and a little quote... then going of to random pictures of war and hunger and kids and happy things just random world stuff and the pix change along with the rhythm of the music.

ok now i really cant explain the choreography in writing so ya'll just have to go see it.

and the song is this:

obviously w/o the whole "emperor today is your bday" thing lmao!

but yes yes... now imagine it.

i started crying when it the idea hit me =]

Nelly taught me the real meaning of being Humble and Kind... so i really wanna do this.
and im going to practice my ass off to finally get my switch leap for the big boom part lol in the dance.

This is a switch leap...
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