Jul 29, 2011 04:17
It's funny how two different situations that really have nothing to do with one another can both make a person feel the same way. I guess that's a strange thing about being human. Or maybe it just says something about my state of emotional stability. I dunno. On the same note, I don't think there will ever be an invention that allows someone to offend someone else somewhere else in the world so quickly or can swing people's emotions as effectively as the modern telecommunication network. Well, maybe whatever the current incarnation of global communication evolves in to down the road, though it's all essentially the same thing in the end. Then again, this all might have something to do with the fact that I have the uncanny abiity to say or do something that figuratively jams both feet in to my mouth and halfway down my throat without even realizing I'm doing it. Moments like those that make me wonder what I would be like if I wasn't the way I am. Maybe a little more ignorant and less intelligent, if only for the bliss and somplicity that seems to come with stupidity.