May 09, 2005 05:54
A momentary power outage, of a whole second last Saturday, reminded me about this VERY distinctly. I didn't even see it coming. I turned around to say something to Vanessa, oneof my co-workers, and suddenly it was like her face went negative shaded a moment, from my eyes still having the image, before they came right back on.
Now, this normally shouldn't be a big deal, right? I don't know, it just had my head playnig out how it would have been if they stayed off, like the one time at home, when it went out during a dusky day. I just have this distinct fear, probably bordering on panicy, of completely and total darkness. Even if I know the place I'm at during it, I just freak. The last time it happened, I was by myself, and managed to nearly run myself into about twenty things I pass all the time, scrambling to get dressed and out of the house... This time wasn't alone, nor did it last, but I was still shaky from it for a good couple hours...
It's just odd. I carry most of the common fears people do, some to lesser and stronger degrees then others, but I've never been able to figure out why sudden darkness terrifies me so. I mean, I can be in my room, in a place, and almost have it pitch black, and be fine. but then again, I often have a fan running, or something has light coming in a window or the such, thus making it so it's not total darkness.
Just felt weird, so thought would post about it.