Sep 10, 2004 17:08
wow i feel sorry for all the kids in school
i just heard that citrus schools are going to be closed on monday and possibly tuesday and who knows what after that
sucks that you guys have to make up a week now
i hope Ivan doesnt come hit us on tuesday
thats my 12hr day and i need the money
got screwed out of last weeks paycheck cause of Francis got 0 hrs now i need all my hrs this week.
Please Ivan go away!!!
the gas stations are packed you have to wait like 10-20mins for a pump...ppl saying theres a gas cut when theres not one and gas stations are being dicks and cutting ppl off when there not suppose to
and people in general are being retarded when driving more retarded then normal that is. people are just all the sudden stoping to go to gas stations and what not people waiting in the road to get into a gas station when there is a line half a mile long.
some people also have no consideration for anyone else that may be in need. burglary has gone up in some cities/countys cause of the storm. i heard there was a church that actaully charged people for their help down in tampa.