
Feb 08, 2005 22:36

So I got TeenVouge...EMMY ROSSOM ON THE FRONT! Interview...Pimpin...what? Nolan says that when something is cool anyway...I am bored...the kids annoy me, I mean I like kids don't get me wrong but the constant telling on each other, I run in my room and scream in a pillow or listen to music, it calms me. So you don't comment?!? HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?! Excuse me I am a bit hyper I had cereal for supper and I but two cups of sugar in are wondering: "how?!" Well...ok so it wasn't I love sugar. But anyway tis not good for meh, do I care? Nope. So I'm bored...and I NEED COMMENTS. I. am. idiot. I ran into my door today when I was running away from the small annoying children. They laughed I glared and walked into my room and screamed. Nothing going on..cpet the fact that my dad officaly hates me! He forgot Christmas and on March 20th it's my Birthday and he'll forget that too cause he hate's needs to date so I can have a dad...but anyway I gotta dog is staring at me to go outside.

Love you all,

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