Jun 12, 2009 17:43
Have you ever experienced the thing where you are spending so much time with someone else and so much time at work/on school work that when all of that is over, you have no idea how to just sit alone in a house with nothing to do?
I'm there right now. My roommates are out for the night/weekend. My work has been left at work. I feel like I've got nothing, and I forget how to be comfortably alone. I'm lonely.
And I am depressed again. But maybe I should call it something else, as it is probably due to things being shitty (despite living in an awesome place), and not an imbalance in my somethingsomething (as far as I know).
This sad music isn't helping.
Really though, I use to be awesome at making my own fun/entertaining myself.
Now I hyperventilate when I'm alone.