Comic Con Day One and two

Jul 25, 2008 23:43

 In  a nutshell this is what happened. First off I was late because I wanted to be early for the Doctor Who panel then the Torchwood panel for a good seat. This unfortunate lateness ended up being a blessing. I met the ultimate fabulous Gracie_musica and Totally4ryo. If you haven't read Gracie's stuff yet...then what are you waiting for?! Me to kick you in the ass. Well, here's your kick! Read the ultra fabulous series from Gracie called Deviations from the Norm and Change the World. If you like those stories then read the rest of her stuff, it's equally as good. I totally fangirled her by the way, I love those two series with some type of unholy passion and I squeed inside and possibly out.

So lets move on cause I got really exciting news to share. Stan Lee, Doctor Who blah but cool. Torchwood? ABSOLUTELY FAN FUCKING TACTULAR. I laughed, laughed and laughed some more. I love the Lisa part! If you haven't seen it, go find some one who has and watch it. It was the highlight on my life until today(July 25)

I had gotten Gareth's autograph (twice) yesterday(July 24) and while I was hopped up on coffee, I told him I wasn't crazy. So Today, I see the lady who runs the autograph box for John and Gareth needing help with the coffee orders from Starbucks. So I helped her out and that's how gracie_musica dubbed me the tea-girl because I delivered their coffee! After that I ran away past Gareth and John(because I was INSIDE the booth) and ran into totally4ryo and gracie_musica again.

So as we were walking past their booth for the umpteenth time, the booth lady flags me down and tells me about how Gareth specially asked to see me if I walked past again. He actually remembered me from yesterday and asked the booth lady who that girl was (me). So we talked and I shook his hand and carried on. A little while later, apparently I did not notice but totally4ryo said Gareth chucked some pods at us. I went over to him and I asked him if he chucked a pod at me. He said yes because he was bored and then asked me if I could find him some more. So loud, so he could hear me I said what am I some sort of handmaiden. I could not find any sadly because they were all out. Anywho, totally4ryo told me that she caught Gareth looking at me from time to time where I was sitting and I caught him a few times staring at me so what did I do? I flirted! I stuck my tongue out at him and he did it back to me, I did bunny ears and kinda kept him entertained for a while and got him laughing. So for the next couple of hours we flirted with each other. Can someone say HIGHLIGHT! I ME AND GARETH FLIRTED. I went up to him again, shook his hand and said bye to him, he said it back and we parted ways. So as I am going home on Saturday, this ends my awesome 1st Comic Con with the best time ever. I did not take any pictures with him because that is stalkerish and I am just willing to commit this to memory. 
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